Tag Archives: Java

From Bali to Yogyakarta, the Beating Heart of Javanese Culture

Yogyakarta (or Jogja) is a must visit destination for travelers to Java Island. Renowned for being the cultural center of Java, this student city attracts many artists and intellectuals from all the provinces of the Indonesian archipelago. Direct flight from Bali to Yogyakarta it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Yogyakarta is also a city apart in Indonesia, because it is still under the governance of a sultan and has inherited a cultural richness that is now visible through the many palaces, museums, temples and historic buildings. In this article I share with you all the information to visit the city of Yogyakarta!

The famous temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, both listed as World Heritage by Unesco, are located near Yogyakarta.

3 Ways to get from Bali to Yogyakarta


Flying is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach Bali from Yogyakarta to Bali. The flight takes less than 2 hours with tickets starting at IDR 650,000 (US$ 40). Note that this includes short taxi transfers to and from the airports.

What airline companies run direct flight services from Bali and Yogyakarta?
Train and ferry

If you feel like an adventure and have time for it, you can also take a combined train and ferry trip from Bali to Yogyakarta. The trip takes at least 19 hours, through East Java and along the west coast of Bali, including an additional bus ride from the port to central or south Bali. The total cost is approximately IDR 500,000 (US$ 32). If you decide to go overland, we highly recommend visiting the Bromo and Ijen volcanoes as well as the Sewu waterfalls.


It’s also possible to take the bus from Bali to Yogyakarta, but it’s an uncomfortable 20-hour trip that involves several transfers and is often affected by delays. Long-distance buses can be very tiring and are not the safest way to travel, especially at night.

Experience and visit the constant hustle and bustle of Yogyakarta city and visit the Sultan’s Palace, Water Palace and UNESCO sites such as the ancient Borobudur Temple or Prambanan during your visit to Yogyakarta.

Borobudur (Central Java, Indonesia) (51112270656)
Stupas on top terrace at Borobudur. Sasha India, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Visit Yogyakarta (the City)

1. Sultan’s Palace (Kraton)

The sultan still resides in Yogyakarta. He is the governor of Central Java and has a large palace in the city center, which is open for visits every morning. The Sultan’s Palace is a beautiful place, but don’t expect anything lavish, the whole thing remains rather simple. Inside, objects and photos on display, generally without much explanation. It’s worth going there but we don’t come out impressed either.

Every day a different show is held at the Sultan’s Palace depending on the day of the week. We were there on a Saturday, the day of the wayang kulit, the puppets, which are an integral part of the traditional culture. A bit boring when you don’t understand Indonesian but the backstage area, with the orchestra dressed in traditional attire, is worth seeing.

The Sultan’s Palace and the surrounding streets form an entire district called Kraton. Far from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the city of Yogya, the streets of Kraton are very quiet and green. There are merchants and craftsmen there, it’s pleasant.

The spiritual and royal center of Yogyakarta, the Kraton is the sultan’s palace, where the royal family resided for centuries

It is rather large, it takes a good hour to go around. It is like a mini-city, there are courtyards with elegant pavilions. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the interior of the Kraton and contextualize the history of the sultanate because a visit alone is not really of interest except to admire the architecture. You can also see dance, music and puppet shows there, there are several throughout the day.

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Kraton the Sultan’s (king’s) palace. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Jalan Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta
Opening hours: every day from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Admission: 20,000 IDR/person (IDR +1,000 for the right to take photos)

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Kraton of Yogyakarta. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2. Visit the Taman Sari (Water Castle) and its underground mosque

Formerly, the Water castle of Yogyakarta was the place where the Sultan and his Court came to bathe. The place could be superb but lacks maintenance. There was almost no water, too bad for a water castle. So it’s a bit sad.

There are a few shops within the grounds. We took the opportunity to watch the work of making traditional wayang kulit puppets, in chiseled leather, as well as batik. Patience work!

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta, 20220818 1043 8976
Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Location of Taman Sari (Water Castle)

Located south-west of Kraton, the Taman Sari – literally the “garden of perfumes” – is a palace on the water which once served as a place of relaxation and meditation built at the request of the sultan in the 18th century. At the time, this large royal park housed luxurious pools, water games, pavilions and several small lakes as well as rooms to accommodate the sultan’s wives. Today only the baths and bedrooms have been preserved, but the architecture of the castle is no less impressive. There are also many underground tunnels and an underground mosque. The place is a real labyrinth when you do not know the places. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the places to you and immerse you in the history of this magnificent aquatic palace.

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta
Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta. Dudva, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Wisata Taman Sari, Taman, Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta
Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission: IDR 15,000/person

3. Stroll through the Prawirotaman district and admire the street-art

The Prawirotaman district is one of the most frequented districts in Yogyakarta by tourists. Indeed, this district brings together all the hotels, restaurants, bars and travel agencies of the city. It is particularly in this district that we recognize that Yogyakarta is a city populated by artists, because the walls of this district have been magnificently decorated by young local artists, lovers of street-art!

4. Visit a batik workshop

Batik is a fabric dyeing technique widely used in Indonesia. This traditional technique comes from Yogyakarta and was exported throughout the Indonesian archipelago, then to Africa. In Yogyakarta, you can therefore visit one of the many batik workshops, meet local artists and admire them handling the technique meticulously, or even try it yourself.

Batik Weaver, Yogyakarta 0944
This lady is weaving batik, the national cloth of Indonesia. Michael Gunther, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

5. Walk down Malioboro Street and City Centre

Malioboro Street will immerse you directly in local life. It is an essential walk to do if you come to Yogyakarta: many shops, small restaurants and food stalls, shops and local market… Ideally to be done in the evening to enjoy the local atmosphere, see people chatting on the benches , enjoy small street concerts. Agoraphobes refrain because it is a really crowded and very lively avenue.

Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta
Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6. Fort Vredeburg Museum

The museum is very strategically located from the city center and has a fairly high value. Maybe for some people who hear the word “museum” or “fort” will think that it is very old-fashioned and boring. However, the Fort Vredeburg Museum is different.

Fort Vredeburg, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Museum Benteng Vredeburg. Pras, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The place is quite spacious and there are many spots to take pictures. In a number of buildings within the fort there are dioramas (miniature three-dimensional objects / theater decorations) about Indonesian history. The Vredeburg Fort Museum is one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that must be visited.

7. Visit the Affandi Museum

Afandi is one of the most famous artists in Indonesia. Located by a river, the museum was once its own home. He himself designed and drew the plans for his house as well as the showrooms for his works of art. All his paintings were painted by hand or directly with his paint tubes.

Inspired and influenced by great European artists like Van Gogh, his works are no less original and impressionist in style. This museum is undoubtedly one of the most interesting to visit in Yogyakarta. Not to be missed for art lovers or budding painters!

Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.167, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission: IDR 50,000/person

8. Museum of Dewantara Kirti Griya

This museum is  is a memorial museum that presents an overview of the life and history of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s struggles. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer in the fight for education for Indonesians.

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Dewantara Kirti Griya museum collection – Room 6. Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

8. Bird market

Imagine a huge outdoor pet store. There you are, you are at the Yogyakarta bird market (where not only birds are actually sold, but rabbits, cats, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish…).

9. Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market is a huge covered market in Yogyakarta where you can find everything: a huge choice of batik (printed clothes and fabrics), spices, fruits and vegetables, wicker baskets, trinkets…It’s open in the morning only (from 8 a.m.), and you meet many locals who come to shop there (from the purchase of peppers to the wedding dress).

The atmosphere is really nice, we walk with pleasure in the aisles. No attempt to sell us anything but just smiles. We even got a little lesson on the different spices at a stand!

Pasar Bringharjo
The Beringharjo market is located in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. PL09Puryono, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

10. Eat a gudeg: the culinary specialty of Yogyakarta

Gudeg is one of the culinary specialties of Yogyakarta. This dish is made from young jackfruit boiled in traditional herbs and coconut milk, and served with rice, egg and chicken. It is the flagship dish of the region, so you can easily find it in small shops or stands in the street.

Gudeg Jogja
Gudeg Jogja. Eny Santiati, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Otherwise, we can recommend this address, it is a small restaurant with a terrace serving a very good gudeg at an affordable price. Many locals go there and some tourists:

Gudeg Sagan

Address: Jl. Prof Dr. Herman Yohanes No. 53, Caturtunggal, Depok, Samirono, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223
Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Activities and places not to miss around Yogyakarta

1. Visit Borobudur Temple

Located 40km from the city center, the Borobudur temple is a must visit place for tourists who come to visit Java. The largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur is also the most visited tourist site in Indonesia. If you want to admire the sunrise at the top of the temple, you will have to put your hands in your pocket, but it is worth it because the view from the top is incredible, and there will be fewer tourists than during the day.

Borobudur Northwest ViewBorobudur temple, Jogja. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Manohara hotel (2-star hotel) located inside the park is the only one that offers a special “sunrise tour” ticket to watch the sunrise. For the simple visit of the temple at conventional times, you can benefit from a student rate if you have your student card (to have in hand, or photocopied), i.e. 50% reduction.

Short history:

The main stupa enthroned at Borobudur Temple in Central Java, Indonesia. The world’s largest Buddhist monument was built in the 8th century by the Syailendra dynasty. The upper terrace is round in shape with a row of bell-shaped stupas containing a Buddha figure which symbolizes Arupadhatu, the realm of the formless. The main stupa itself is empty, symbolizing complete perfection of enlightenment.

Stupa Borobudur
Borobudur Temple in Jogja – Central Java, Indonesia. Gunkarta, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Jl. Badrawati, Kw. Candi Borobudur, Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah
Hours: daily from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., but possible to buy a more expensive ticket to see the sunrise at 5 a.m.
Admission: 325,000 IDR/person (450,000 IDR for the sunrise tour via the Manohara hotel) and 162,500 IDR for students with their student card.

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Borobudur temple with its stupas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur temple view from northwest plateau, Central Java, Indonesia. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

2. Climb the Merapi Volcano

Culminating at a height of 2934 meters, the Merapi volcano dominates the city of Yogyakarta. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia, its last eruption dates from May 2018. Before climbing the volcano, check with the agency organizing your trek to find out about the activity of the volcano and to know if the roads are in good condition.

Inside an active volcano - Merapi (7756647556)
Inside an active volcano – Merapi volcanoe. Jimmy McIntyre – Editor HDR One Magazine, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also do the Merapi Lava Tour: for 2 hours, you can rent a jeep with driver for 350,000 rupees and visit the Merapi volcano and its surroundings. The jeep can carry 3 to 5 people, and the tour includes a visit to Museum Sisa Hartaku, a small museum showing the damage caused by previous eruptions of the Merapi volcano: old motorcycles, clothes, objects and furniture that have more or less resisted the eruption…

Merapi Volcano during sunrise 2019
Merapi Volcano during sunrise. Desember01, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To be able to admire the sunrise, you have to get up and leave very early from Yogyakarta. Count about 1h30 for the car trip to the bottom of the volcano, and about 4h for the hike. Once at the top, the sunrise offers a magnificent and unforgettable spectacle. After so much effort for the ascent, the reward is all the more beautiful!

To book, you can go directly through a local agency on site at the entrance to Mount Merapi.

3. Watch the sunset at Prambanan Temple

Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Prambanan Temple is a set of 240 temples that were built in the 9th century. This site includes 4 main temples and several small ruined temples. It is a large site that requires at least 2 good hours of visit if you are on foot (you can also visit the site by bike).

Candi Prambanan sebagai Peninggalan Agama HinduCandi Prambanan. Ridwanpurwantobatam, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can spend hours admiring the carved bas-reliefs that tell of the lives of Hindu gods. The temple is all the more magnificent to visit at sunset and at the end of the day there are fewer people. As for the Borobudur temple, don’t forget your student card to benefit from a 50% discount!

Prambanan Complex 1
Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Kranggan, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman Regency
Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission: IDR 325,0000 /person (IDR 162,500 if you have your student card)

4. Ullen Sentalu Museum

The private museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkunegara.

It takes 1 hour drive from Yogyakarta city. This museum is well maintained and very clean, the guide was welcoming, knowledgeable and fun, their art collection was wonderful. I really liked the paintings. Entrance ticket was not expensive even for foreign tourists. And yes, it’s forbidden to take pictures inside but hey, that’s fine. It was a pleasant day.

The museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects§ of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkoenegara.

Admission: IDR 100,000 (International visitor) IDR 40,000 (Domestic/regular visitor/kitas).

Museum Ullen Sentalu Halaman
Ullen Sentalu Museum courtyard. Hernawanwan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ullen Sentalu Museum Featured Collection

In 2014 the Department of Culture for the Special Region of Yogyakarta published a book containing the superior collections of museums in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, including the superior collection owned by the Ullen Sentalu Museum. The featured collections of the Ullen Sentalu Museum are as follows:

  • Jumenengan’s painting, this painting depicts the sacred dance procession of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, namely the Bedhaya dance which is performed once a year in commemoration of the sultan’s coronation.
  • Paes Ageng Clothing Painting, this painting shows the details of a woman’s wedding dress complete with Paes Ageng make-up.
  • Batik with the Urang Wetan motif, this cloth was once worn by the empress of KGPAA Paku Alam X named GBRAAy Retno Puwasa.

Sources: PinterPandai, Red Fedora Diary, The Travel Author

Photo credit (main picture): Gunawan Kartapranata (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

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Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

From Bali to Krakatoa

Krakatoa, Krakatau or Gunung Krakatau in Indonesian and Javanese, is a subduction volcano in the peri-Pacific ring of fire, and whose eruptions are predominantly explosive (so-called “grey” volcano). From Bali to Krakatoa takes 6h 20 mn in total (1h 40mn flight + 2h 40mn drive from Jakarta to Carita harbour + 2 hours boat ride from Carita to Anak Krakatau).

Visiting Mount Krakatau can be an unforgettable experience for those who love adventure and nature.

Although this island was the scene of one of the greatest dramas in history, it retains an irresistible charm. In 1883 its archipelago was pulverized by a terrible earthquake. The shock wave of the latter was felt nearly 200 km away. A big tsunami followed. The scars are still visible there! Thousands of victims have been identified. The geography of the area has changed. Have no fear, you will be safe there.

Its activity is closely monitored. So you risk nothing by going there. Hurry to visit the site and take the opportunity to get a vibrant tribute to the many victims of this archipelago and its surroundings.

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Mount Anak Krakatau is a nature reserve that has an attraction for scientists because this area can function as a natural laboratory to study natural science, geography, volcanology and biology. Dwi Pambudo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

How to go from Bali to Krakatau Volcano? (cont’d)

To go to the Krakatau volcano, we have two options either from Anyer or Carita on Java, very accessible from West Jakarta, or from Kalianda on Sumatra, accessible from Bandar Lampung or from Bakauheni ferry terminal connecting Java and Sumatra.

Going to Krakatau from Java

We are not going to give you a chapter on how to get to Jakarta 😀

So from Jakarta, take the toll road towards Merak. You have several options:

  • Exit at Cilegon and follow the road to Anyer and Carita
  • Exit at the Pandeglang exit and head towards the coast at Labuhan. Then follow the road north to Carita and Anyer.
    The first option is easier to get your bearings, but the second option has better roads (Roads are improving pretty quickly right now).
  • From Carita there are several boats going to Krakatau. For Accommodation there are several options in Anyer and Carita. Carita is cheaper.
From Bali to Jakarta by air

The main airport of Jakarta, Hatta International Airport (CGK) is the one operating flights to Bali, the duration of the flight is on average 1 hour 50 minutes, sometimes a little bit less, the airlines offering these flights are:

Going to Krakatau from Sumatra

There is Radin Inten II Airport in Bandar Lampung (TKG) with internal connections to the following cities: Jakarta-Soekarno-Hatta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Batam, Palembang, Bengkulu.

To go to Kalianda, take a DAMRI bus towards Bandar Lampung (if you come from java) and towards Bakauheni if you come from Bandar Lampung and get off at Kalianda. Then head to the Canti pier and take a boat to Sebesi.

For accommodation several options in the Kalianda region.

From Bali to Sumatra, Bandar Lampung (TKG) by air

The main airport of Jakarta, Hatta International Airport (CGK) is the one operating flights to Bali, the duration of the flight is on average 1 hour 50 minutes, sometimes a little bit less, the airlines offering these flights are:

What to do and visit in Kratoa?

Krakatoa is a popular destination for adventure seekers and nature enthusiasts. Here are some things you can do in Mount Krakatau:

Trekking, Ascent to Anak Krakatau

Departure by boat from Java takes about 2 hours to Anak Krakatau. Walking time 45 minutes and max altitude 180 m (600 ft), easy level!

The ascent of Anak Krakatoa is not strictly prohibited, as long as the volcanic activity allows it. The easiest way is to organize the boat trip and the trek with an agency in Jakarta or in the seaside resorts of Labuhan or Carita in West Java. From there, we can take the boat to Krakatoa, in order to climb the flanks of its offspring, Anak Krakatoa.

This cone which emerged in the middle of the three islets in 1927 continues to rise, with the accumulation of pumice stones and basalt rocks that it rejects over the eruptions. It now reaches more than 300 meters but could well grow more! Arriving on the site, we see the thick fumaroles of sulfur and we hear a dull noise escaping from the crater.

Most often, the ascent will consist of carving a path among the slag that litters the ground to a first level, 180 meters (600 ft) above sea level. The heat and the density of the fumaroles unfortunately do not allow to climb to the top, but the view of this unique place in the world is already breathtaking! To the south, you can see the island of Rakata and its impressive gutted volcano, the highest point of the archipelago.

Krakatoa Islands
Map of the Krakatoa archipelago. Afrogindahood, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Before leaving the place to join civilization, a short snorkeling session (diving with flippers, mask and snorkel) is a must! The coral reefs of Krakatoa are among the most beautiful in Indonesia and swimming among the corals and multicolored fish in this wild place is absolutely magical. And for those who would like to prolong the pleasure (and who like adventure!), it is also possible to camp overnight on the beach of one of the islands in order to enjoy the lush vegetation and local fauna for a little longer. .

Krakatoa is not a volcano like the others. Its history, its metamorphoses over time and its deadly eruption in 1883 have made it a unique place. Lost in the middle of the Sunda Strait, the Krakatoa fascinates and amazes, terrifies too. Its dangerousness and its sudden topographic changes have placed it at the center of all attention and continue to fascinate geologists and volcanologists. The Krakatoa, or the temptation of a wild getaway to the other side of the world, far from human agitation…

Gugusan Pulau Anak Krakatau.2. 10042017
Anak Krakatau Island Group. The Krakatau Island cluster is located in the Sunda Strait area, and is still included in the Lampung Province, South Sumatra. For Anak Krakatau Island itself is a small active volcanic island and is located in the middle between Sertung Island, Krakatau Kitjil Island, and Rakata Island.
This island is an island that emerged from the eruption of Mount Krakatau in 1883 and is still growing in height until now. Raviansyah Jawindra, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Relax on the beaches

Mount Krakatau is surrounded by beautiful beaches, and you can spend a day relaxing on the white sand beaches, soaking in the sun, and enjoying the calm waters.

Remember to follow safety guidelines, respect the local environment, and seek guidance from local authorities and guides before embarking on any adventure activities.

Visit Anak Krakatau

Anak Krakatau, which means “Child of Krakatau,” is a volcanic island that formed in the late 20th century. It is an active volcano, and visitors can witness the ongoing volcanic activity. However, due to safety concerns, visitors are only allowed to visit the island under certain conditions and with a licensed guide. You can take a boat tour to the island from the nearby towns of Carita or Anyer.

Photo credit (main picture): Uprising (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Photo description: Mount Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatoa).

Before and after Krakatoa (History)

The island is famous for its massive eruption in 1883, which was one of the most powerful volcanic events in recorded history. Here’s a brief overview of what the area was like before and after the eruption:

Before the eruption:

Before the eruption in 1883, Krakatoa was a small volcanic island with three peaks, called Perboewatan, Danan, and Rakata. The island was uninhabited, but nearby communities on the coasts of Java and Sumatra relied on the surrounding sea for fishing and transportation.

Krakatoa evolution map-fr
Evolution map in French of the Krakatoa’s archipelago (Indonesia), between 1880 and 2005. The main eruption was in 1883. Sémhur, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history. It is estimated that the eruption released the energy equivalent of 200 megatons of TNT, or 13,000 times the power of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The eruption created a series of tsunamis that devastated nearby coastal areas, killing an estimated 36,000 people.

Map krakatau
Krakatoa before and after. USGS, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

After the eruption:

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the most catastrophic natural disasters in recorded history. The eruption generated a series of massive tsunamis that devastated the surrounding coastlines, killing more than 36,000 people. The ash and debris from the eruption caused a global climate cooling effect, leading to cooler temperatures and unusual weather patterns in many parts of the world.


Today, Krakatoa remains an active volcano and continues to draw visitors from around the world who are interested in witnessing the power and beauty of nature. You can take a boat tour from the nearby town of Anyer to the island of Anak Krakatau, which is the remnant of the original volcano that was destroyed in the 1883 eruption. The island is still active and visitors can witness small eruptions and volcanic activity.

Krakatoa NasaWorldWind 2000
Pulau Anak Krakatau Nature Reserve. Sémhur, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

From Bali to Jakarta, Complete Guide to Visit The Capital of Indonesia

Exploring the Top Best Must Visit Places in Java | Where to Go and Best Places to Visit for an Unforgettable Adventure

Have you booked your private pool villa in Seminyak center, Bali?

Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

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Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure: Exploring the Top Best Must Visit Places in Java, Indonesia

The Java Island Travel Guide is your ultimate resource for exploring Indonesia’s most iconic destination, offering insights into the best places to visit, must-see attractions, local culture, and practical travel tips to ensure you have an unforgettable adventure. Embark on an Unforgettable Adventure: Exploring the Top Best Must-Visit Places in Java, Indonesia

Java Island: Exploring the Rich Culture, Natural Wonders, and Historical Landmarks of Indonesia’s Iconic Destination

If you are planning a trip to Java Island in Indonesia and want to explore the best attractions in West, Central, and East Java, this article has got you covered. From active volcanoes and stunning crater lakes to cultural centers and tea plantations, Java Island has a lot to offer. We’ll also provide travel tips on how to get to these attractions from Bali, which is a popular starting point for many tourists visiting Indonesia. So, whether you’re interested in nature, culture, history, or simply want to have fun, there is something for everyone on Java Island. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

Top Must Visit Places in Java: West, Central, and East Java, and How to Get There from Bali

Java is a vibrant and diverse island in Indonesia that is packed with stunning natural landscapes, fascinating cultural sites, and bustling cities. For those traveling from Bali, Java is an ideal destination for a day trip or a longer excursion. In this article, we will explore the top must-visit places in Java, organized by West, Central, and East Java, and provide information on how to get there from Bali.

Explore the top must-visit places in Java, divided by region: West, Central, and East Java, and discover how to conveniently get there from Bali.

1. Central Java: Discovering Yogyakarta, Borobudur Temple, and Semarang

Central Java is a treasure trove of the top best must-visit places in Java, from the UNESCO World Heritage site of Borobudur Temple and the stunning Prambanan Temple to the charming city of Yogyakarta and the serene Dieng Plateau, offering an unforgettable journey through the heart of Indonesia’s cultural and historical heritage.

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Magelang, Central Java, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The temple dates back to the 9th century and is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Visitors can explore the temple’s intricate design and learn about its cultural significance. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Yogyakarta, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Magelang.

The Borobudur Temple is a world-renowned Mahayana Buddhist temple located in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is one of the largest and most important Buddhist temples in the world, and a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1991.

Borobudur Northwest ViewBorobudur temple, Jogja. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra dynasty, Borobudur consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, decorated with more than 2,500 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The temple’s design reflects the concept of the Buddhist universe, with the lower levels representing the world of desire, the middle levels representing the world of form, and the upper levels representing the formless world.

Visitors to Borobudur can explore the temple’s intricate architecture and detailed carvings, which depict scenes from the life of the Buddha and other Buddhist teachings. They can also climb to the top of the temple to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding hills and rice fields.

Aside from its historical and cultural significance, Borobudur is also a popular destination for spiritual tourism and meditation retreats. The temple’s serene atmosphere and beautiful surroundings provide a peaceful setting for contemplation and self-reflection.

Overall, Borobudur Temple is a magnificent and awe-inspiring monument that offers visitors a glimpse into the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Indonesia.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is another UNESCO World Heritage site located near Yogyakarta in Central Java. The temple is a masterpiece of Hindu architecture and features stunning carvings and sculptures. Visitors can explore the temple’s intricate design and learn about its cultural significance.

Candi Prambanan sebagai Peninggalan Agama HinduCandi Prambanan. Ridwanpurwantobatam, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Yogyakarta, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Prambanan.

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Plateau is a highland area located in Central Java and is known for its stunning natural beauty and ancient Hindu temples. Visitors can explore the temples, hike up to the plateau’s scenic viewpoints, and witness the area’s natural hot springs. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Semarang, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Dieng Plateau.

Karimun Jawa Islands

The Karimun Jawa Islands are a group of islands located off the coast of Central Java and are known for their pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can explore the islands’ natural beauty, go snorkeling or diving, or simply relax on the beach.

There are a cluster of 27 islands located in the Java Sea, off the north coast of Java Island, Indonesia. The islands are known for their stunning natural beauty, pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and rich marine biodiversity. The islands are part of the Karimun Jawa National Park, which is a protected area that is home to various species of coral, fish, and other marine life.

Visitors to the Karimun Jawa Islands can enjoy a range of outdoor activities, such as snorkeling, diving, swimming, and island hopping. The islands offer a range of accommodation options, including beachfront villas and guesthouses, making it an ideal destination for those looking for a tropical getaway.

Tanjung Gelam, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa
In a corner of the main island in the Karimunjawa National Park Area, Jepara, Central Java, there is a cape that has a very beautiful beach. Tanjung Gelam is the name. Here you can find a white sandy beach with clear sea water. One side has a long sandy coastline, but in some corners there are also coral-studded beaches. Very unique! Chafidwahyu, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In addition to its natural attractions, the Karimun Jawa Islands are also home to cultural sites, such as the Javanese fishing villages and the historic Kuno Island, where visitors can explore ancient ruins and temples. The islands are also known for their local cuisine, with fresh seafood being a particular highlight.

Karimun Jawa Island
Karimun Jawa Island. Amelia.angela2210, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To get there from Yogyakarta to Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Semarang or Surabaya and then continue by boat to the islands.

From Bali to Yogyakarta | Complete Guide to Visit Central Java


Semarang is a bustling port city located on the north coast of Java Island, Indonesia. It is the capital of the Central Java province and one of the country’s largest cities. The city has a rich history and cultural heritage, with influences from Dutch, Chinese, and Javanese cultures. Visitors to Semarang can explore its many historical landmarks, such as the iconic Sam Poo Kong temple, which dates back to the 15th century, and the Old Town area with its colonial architecture and narrow streets.

Lawang Sewu Semarang Indonesia 3
Lawang Sewu, built in 1904, was designed in New Indies Style. Now a museum, the building previously served as the head office of the Dutch East Indies Railway in Semarang, when Indonesia was still a colony of the Netherlands. Philip Nalangan, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The city is also home to several museums, including the Lawang Sewu building, which was once a railway company headquarters and now houses a museum dedicated to Semarang’s history. For those looking for outdoor activities, the city has several parks, such as the Taman Budaya Raden Saleh and the Mangkang Zoo. Semarang is also a great place to sample local cuisine, with its famous dishes including lumpia (spring rolls), nasi ayam (chicken rice), and soto (soup). Overall, Semarang is a vibrant and diverse city that offers a blend of history, culture, and modernity that is not to be missed by any traveler visiting Java.

2. West Java: Exploring Bandung, Bogor, and the Natural Wonders

West Java is a province in Indonesia known for its beautiful landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture. If you’re exploring West Java, Indonesia, make sure to visit the top best must visit places in Java in this region, including Bandung, Bogor, and the natural wonders such as the majestic Mount Tangkuban Perahu and the stunning Kawah Putih volcanic crater lake. Here are some of the best West Java attractions you should consider visiting:


Bandung known for its cool climate, stunning scenery, and rich cultural heritage. Here are some of the top things to do in Bandung:

  • Explore the cultural heritage: Bandung is home to many museums and art galleries, including the Museum of the Asian-African Conference, the Geology Museum, and the Bandung Geological Museum.
  • Visit the tea plantations: Bandung is surrounded by picturesque tea plantations, such as the Rancabali Tea Plantation and the Purbasari Tea Plantation. You can take a guided tour of the plantations, taste the tea, and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Go shopping: Bandung is a popular shopping destination, known for its factory outlets, boutique shops, and traditional markets. Some of the most popular shopping areas include the Dago Street, Jalan Riau, and Cihampelas Walk.
  • Enjoy the natural beauty: Bandung is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, including the Tangkuban Perahu volcano, the Kawah Putih crater lake, and the Cikole Pine Forest.
  • Taste the local cuisine: Bandung is known for its delicious culinary offerings, including traditional dishes like Sate Maranggi, Nasi Timbel, and Soto Bandung.
  • Visit the art and cultural centers: Bandung is home to many art and cultural centers, such as the Saung Angklung Udjo, the Sanggar Sunda Bagoes, and the Bandung Philharmonic Orchestra.
  • Experience the nightlife: Bandung has a vibrant nightlife scene, with many clubs, bars, and music venues to choose from.
  • Learn about history and architecture: Bandung is home to many historical and architectural landmarks, such as the Gedung Sate government building, the Villa Isola, and the Masjid Agung Bandung mosque.

Bandung is a vibrant city located in West Java, Indonesia, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural scenery, and bustling urban atmosphere.

You may also try to go from Bali to Bandung with bus and train. It will take around 15 hours.

Montage of Bandung
Gedung Sate and trees, KAA Museum, Mosque, Bandung pasopati and Bandung city at night. Yogwi21, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Shopping districts, delicious street food, and unique architecture

and Bandung is also renowned for its fantastic shopping districts, delicious street food, and unique architecture, blending traditional Indonesian designs with modern influences. Additionally, the city is a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists, thanks to its comfortable climate and various attractions, such as the Tangkuban Perahu volcano and the Saung Angklung Udjo cultural center.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo is a cultural center located in Bandung, West Java, and is dedicated to preserving traditional Sundanese culture. Visitors can enjoy performances of traditional music and dance and learn about Sundanese culture. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Saung Angklung Udjo - theatre with traditional music and dances from different parts of Indonesia (Java, Bandung)
Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung – theatre with traditional music and dances. Ekaterina Kvelidze, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Center for education

Furthermore, Bandung is an important center for education, with several prominent universities and research institutions located in the city. It is also a hub for creative industries, including fashion, music, and film, and hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year, such as the Bandung International Film Festival and the Java Jazz Festival. With its dynamic blend of culture, nature, and innovation, Bandung is a truly fascinating place to visit and explore.


Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis that offers visitors a unique blend of culture, history, and modernity. With a plethora of stunning landmarks, impressive museums, and mouth-watering street food, Jakarta is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a one-of-a-kind experience. Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage or experiencing the modern lifestyle of the locals, Jakarta has something to offer for everyone.

So, if you’re looking for a travel destination that is sure to leave you amazed, make sure to add Jakarta to your bucket list and prepare to be blown away by the endless possibilities that this dynamic city has to offer.

Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider visiting Jakarta:

From Bali to Jakarta, Complete Guide to Visit The Capital of Indonesia

Rich Cultural Heritage

Jakarta is a city steeped in history and culture, with influences from various ethnic groups that have inhabited the region over the centuries. Visitors can explore the city’s cultural heritage by visiting historical sites such as the Jakarta History Museum, the National Museum, and the Monas National Monument.

Vibrant Street Markets

One of the highlights of visiting Jakarta is experiencing the vibrant street markets that are scattered throughout the city. These markets offer a colorful and bustling atmosphere where visitors can shop for everything from traditional crafts and textiles to delicious street food.

Mouth-watering Street Food

Indonesia is known for its delicious cuisine, and Jakarta is no exception. From the famous Nasi Goreng (fried rice) to the mouth-watering Satay (grilled skewered meat), visitors can experience a wide range of delicious Indonesian dishes in Jakarta’s street food stalls and restaurants.

Stunning Landmarks

Jakarta is home to many impressive landmarks that are worth visiting, such as the Istiqlal Mosque, the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, and the Jakarta Cathedral, a stunning neo-gothic cathedral that dates back to the colonial era.

Modern Lifestyle

Jakarta is a modern city with a vibrant lifestyle that is unique to the region. Visitors can experience the modern lifestyle of the locals by exploring trendy neighborhoods such as Kemang or Senayan, where they can find chic cafes, fashionable boutiques, and vibrant nightlife.

In conclusion, Jakarta is a city that offers visitors a wide range of cultural, historical, and modern experiences that are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Whether you’re interested in exploring the city’s rich cultural heritage, sampling its delicious street food, or experiencing its vibrant lifestyle, Jakarta is a destination that is sure to captivate you. So, if you’re looking for a unique and exciting travel experience, make sure to add Jakarta to your list of must-visit destinations.

Tangkuban Perahu (volcanic crater)

Tangkuban Perahu is a volcanic crater located in Bandung, West Java, and is one of the top tourist destinations in the region. It is a popular tourist attraction and a well-known landmark of the area, known for its unique shape resembling an overturned boat.

Visitors can take a hike around the crater, explore the hot springs, and take in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Vulkaan Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban Perahu Volcano – West Java – Indonesia. Hullie at Dutch Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Additionally, there are several hot springs nearby, like Ciater; where visitors can relax and enjoy the therapeutic properties of the natural mineral waters. Despite its occasional eruptions, Tangkuban Perahu remains a favorite destination for nature lovers and adventurers alike.

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung. r you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Kawah Putih (volcanic crater)

Kawah Putih is another volcanic crater located in Bandung, West Java, and is known for its turquoise-colored lake and beautiful surrounding cliffs and forests. Visitors can take a hike around the crater and enjoy the stunning views.

Kawah putih 2
Kawah Putih Ciiwidey (Bandung Province). Ilham jayakesuma, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Aside from the natural beauty, Kawah Putih also has a fascinating geological history. The crater was formed by a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago, and the acidic lake is the result of the interaction between the volcanic gases and the local groundwater.

To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Bandung, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Bandung.

Krakatoa Volcano

Krakatoa, also known as Krakatau, is an active volcano located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. It is perhaps one of the most famous volcanoes in history, due to the catastrophic eruption it experienced in 1883.

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history. It is estimated that the eruption released the energy equivalent of 200 megatons of TNT, or 13,000 times the power of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The eruption created a series of tsunamis that devastated nearby coastal areas, killing an estimated 36,000 people.

Map krakatau
Krakatoa before and after. USGS, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Today, Krakatoa remains an active volcano and continues to draw visitors from around the world who are interested in witnessing the power and beauty of nature. Visitors can take a boat tour from the nearby town of Anyer to the island of Anak Krakatau, which is the remnant of the original volcano that was destroyed in the 1883 eruption. The island is still active and visitors can witness small eruptions and volcanic activity.

Uprising-mt anak krakatau
Mount Anak Krakatau. Uprising, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Climb to the top of Anak Krakatau (child of Krakatau)

The climb to the top of Anak Krakatau offers spectacular views of the surrounding landscape and the Sunda Strait. Visitors can also explore the nearby coastal areas, which are known for their pristine beaches and excellent snorkeling and diving opportunities.

Krakatoa is a symbol of the power and unpredictability of nature, and a visit to this active volcano is sure to be an unforgettable experience. However, it is important to exercise caution and follow the guidance of local authorities and tour operators, as volcanic activity can be unpredictable and dangerous.

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Mount Anak Krakatau is a nature reserve that has an attraction for scientists because this area can function as a natural laboratory to study natural science, geography, volcanology and biology. Dwi Pambudo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some points on how to get there and what to expect when climbing to the top:
  • Getting there: The closest airport to Anak Krakatau is the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta. From there, visitors can take a four-hour drive to the town of Carita, where boat tours to Anak Krakatau depart.
  • Tour operators: Visitors should book their boat tour to Anak Krakatau with a reputable tour operator who is knowledgeable about the area and can provide necessary safety equipment.
  • Climbing experience: Climbing to the top of Anak Krakatau is a challenging experience that requires a reasonable level of fitness and stamina. Visitors should be prepared for a steep and rocky climb that can take up to three hours to complete.
  • Safety guidelines: It is important to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural environment when climbing Anak Krakatau. Visitors should wear sturdy footwear and bring plenty of water and sunscreen. It is also recommended to bring a hat and sunglasses to protect against the strong tropical sun.
  • Flora and fauna: Along the way, visitors will have the opportunity to witness the unique flora and fauna of the island, including a variety of bird species and the occasional glimpse of a monitor lizard.
  • Summit views: Once at the summit, visitors can take in the breathtaking views and witness the volcanic activity of Anak Krakatau up close. The volcano is still active and visitors may witness small eruptions and volcanic activity during their climb.

Climbing to the top of Anak Krakatau is a unique and thrilling experience that offers a chance to witness the power and beauty of nature. Visitors should be sure to follow safety guidelines and respect the natural environment to ensure a safe and enjoyable climb.

3. East Java: Witnessing the Beauty of Mount Bromo, Malang, and Surabaya

East Java is a beautiful region of Indonesia, home to many unique and breathtaking attractions. The East Java is home to some of the top best must-visit places in Java, including the breathtaking Mount Bromo, the charming city of Malang, and the bustling metropolis of Surabaya, offering a mix of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture that will leave you in awe.

Here are some of the best East Java attractions you should consider visiting:

Mount Bromo

Mount Bromo is an active volcano located in East Java and is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can hike up to the volcano’s crater and witness the incredible natural beauty of the area, including the sunrise over the surrounding.

It stands at an elevation of 2 329 meters (7 641 ft) and is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which is home to several other volcanoes.

Visitors to Mount Bromo can witness stunning views of the sunrise over the volcano, as well as the surrounding sea of sand and the lush green valleys beyond. Many visitors opt to hike to the volcano’s crater rim, which offers a closer look at the steaming vents and bubbling mud pools.

Gunung Bromo 1
Viewing point for Bromo sunrise. Azxeav, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Aside from hiking and sightseeing, visitors can also enjoy various activities such as horseback riding, jeep tours, and camping. The area is also known for its unique culture, with the Tenggerese people living in the surrounding villages and practicing a traditional way of life that includes offerings and ceremonies to the gods of the volcano.

The best time to visit Mount Bromo is during the dry season, from May to September, when the weather is clear and the views are spectacular. However, visitors should be aware that the volcano is still active and that safety precautions should be taken, such as wearing protective masks to prevent inhalation of volcanic ash.

Ijen Crater and Mount Ijen

Ijen Crater is another volcanic destination located in East Java and is known for its stunning blue fire and sulfur mines. Visitors can take a hike up to the crater and witness the incredible natural phenomena and learn about the area’s sulfur mining industry. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Surabaya or Banyuwangi, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Ijen Crater.

What makes Ijen Crater unique?

What makes Ijen Crater unique is the presence of the world’s largest acidic crater lake, with a pH of less than 0.5. The lake’s blue-green color is due to the high concentration of sulfuric acid and dissolved minerals, making it a spectacular sight to behold.

One of the most popular activities for visitors to Ijen Crater is hiking to the crater rim and witnessing the otherworldly blue flames that emerge from the vent at night. These flames are actually caused by the combustion of sulfuric gas, and can only be seen in a few places around the world, making Ijen Crater a truly unique destination.

Ijen ViewMount Ijen Craters. Ijen Crater is one of the mountains that has a beauty that is very suitable as a photographic object. around the crater there are trees that can add to the beauty of the ijen crater. In Ijen Crater, we can also enjoy the blue fire phenomenon at night where there are only 2 of these phenomena in the world and one of them is here in Ijen and and in Dallol mountain, Ethiopia. HarfiBimantara, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Aside from the blue flames, visitors can also enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, including the rolling hills and dense forests that surround the crater. The area is also home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including a variety of bird species and several endemic plant species.

Blue fire of Ijen, Kawah Ijen, Java, Indonesia, 20220821 0432 9581Blue fire of Kawah Ijen, East Java, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Visitors to Ijen Crater should be aware that the hike to the crater rim is quite challenging, with steep inclines and rugged terrain. However, the stunning views and unique natural wonders make it a worthwhile destination for those who are up for the challenge.

Baluran National Park

Baluran National Park is a stunning natural reserve located in East Java and is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including the endangered Javanese wild ox. Visitors can explore the park’s savannas, forests, and beaches and witness the incredible natural beauty of the area. To get there from Bali, you can take a flight from Bali to Surabaya or Banyuwangi, or you can take a ferry from Gilimanuk to Ketapang and then drive to Baluran National Park. Covering an area of over 25,000 hectares, it is known for its diverse ecosystem, which includes grasslands, savannas, mangrove forests, and coastal areas.

The park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including several endangered species such as the Javan leopard, Javanese bull, and banteng. Visitors to the park can also spot numerous bird species, including the rare green peafowl, as well as reptiles such as the reticulated python and saltwater crocodile.

One of the most popular activities for visitors to Baluran National Park is wildlife watching, either on foot or by jeep safari. The park also offers several hiking trails, including one that leads to the top of the park’s highest peak, Mount Baluran, which offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The park’s coastal areas are also a popular destination for swimming, snorkeling, and diving, with crystal clear waters and abundant marine life. Visitors can explore the park’s coral reefs and underwater caves, and see a variety of colorful fish, sea turtles, and other marine creatures.

Baluran National Park is also known for its unique landscape, with savannas that resemble those of Africa’s Serengeti and grasslands that stretch to the horizon. The park is especially stunning during the dry season, when the grasslands turn golden and the wildlife congregates around the few remaining water sources.

Mount Baluran

Landscape Gunung Baluran Taman Nasional Baluran
Baluran National Park. This is the appearance of Mount Baluran in the morning from Savanna Bekol. When there is no disturbing sound from passing vehicles, the herd of deer will graze quietly around the paved road to Bama Beach. Anggysabrita, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Madakaripura Waterfall

This beautiful waterfall is located near the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, and is known for its breathtaking views and lush jungle surroundings.

It is known for its impressive height, which reaches up to 200 meters, and its beautiful surroundings, including lush jungle and stunning rock formations.

The waterfall is believed to be the final resting place of the legendary Indonesian warrior, Gajah Mada, and is considered a sacred site by many locals. Visitors can take a short hike through the park’s beautiful trails to reach the waterfall, and can also hire a guide to help them navigate the area.

Madakaripura Waterfall - Indonesia
Madakaripura waterfall. Thomas Fuhrmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

One of the most unique features of Madakaripura Waterfall is the fact that visitors can actually walk behind the waterfall itself. Getting an up-close view of its powerful flow and feeling the cool mist on their skin. This experience is truly unforgettable, and many visitors describe it as feeling like being in another world.

In addition to its stunning natural beauty, Madakaripura Waterfall is also known for its spiritual significance. It’s often visited by those seeking blessings and good fortune. Visitors can offer prayers and offerings at the nearby temples, and can also learn about the waterfall’s rich cultural history and significance.

How to get there

Madakaripura Waterfall is located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, which is around 35 kilometers from the town of Probolinggo. Here are some ways to get there:

  • By car or motorcycle: The most common way to get to Madakaripura Waterfall is by car or motorcycle. From Probolinggo, visitors can take the main road towards Pasuruan, and then follow the signs to the waterfall. There is a parking lot at the entrance to the waterfall, and visitors can then walk to the waterfall itself.
  • By public transportation: Visitors can also take public transportation from Probolinggo to the waterfall. There are several buses and minivans that run between the two locations, and visitors can ask their hotel or a local tour operator for more information.
  • By tour: Many tour operators in Probolinggo offer guided tours to Madakaripura Waterfall, which can be a convenient and hassle-free way to visit the waterfall. These tours typically include transportation, a guide, and entrance fees.

It is important to note that the hike to the waterfall can be challenging, with steep stairs and rocky terrain, so visitors should wear comfortable shoes and be prepared for a bit of physical activity. Visitors should also bring a rain jacket or poncho, as the waterfall can create a lot of mist and spray.


This charming city is known for its cool climate, beautiful colonial architecture, and delicious local cuisine. Visitors can explore the city’s many art galleries, museums, and cafes, or take a stroll through its picturesque streets.

Rainbow village in Malang 01
Jodipan, a rainbow village in Malang. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some of the top things to do and see in Malang:
  • Explore the city’s colonial architecture: Malang is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, including the historic Balai Kota (City Hall), the Ijen Boulevard, and the Tugu Monument. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the city’s streets to admire the unique blend of Dutch and Indonesian styles.
  • Visit the Jatim Park: Jatim Park is a popular family attraction that features several amusement park rides, a zoo, and a science museum. Visitors of all ages can enjoy the park’s many attractions, including the roller coasters, aquariums, and interactive exhibits.
  • Trek to Mount Bromo: Mount Bromo is an active volcano located around 70 kilometers from Malang. Visitors can take a sunrise trek to the top of the volcano to witness the stunning views of the surrounding landscape, including the famous “sea of sand”.
  • Explore the beaches of South Malang: South Malang is home to several beautiful beaches, including Balekambang Beach, Ngliyep Beach, and Sendang Biru Beach. Visitors can swim, surf, and sunbathe on the pristine shores, or take a boat ride to nearby islands.
  • Visit the Taman Rekreasi Kota (City Recreation Park): The Taman Rekreasi Kota is a large park located in the heart of Malang. It features several gardens, a lake, and a jogging track, and is a popular spot for picnics, outdoor activities, and relaxation.
How to get there

Malang is a charming city located in East Java, Indonesia. It is known for its cool climate, beautiful colonial architecture, and delicious local cuisine. Here’s how to get there:

  • By plane: The closest airport to Malang is the Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport, which is located around 17 kilometers from the city center. There are several domestic airlines that operate flights to and from the airport, including Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, and Lion Air.
  • By train: Malang has a train station that is well-connected to other cities in Java, including Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta. There are several classes of train service available, from economy to executive, and the journey can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the starting point.
  • By bus: Malang is also well-connected to other cities in East Java by bus. There are several bus terminals in the city, including the Arjosari Terminal and the Landungsari Terminal, which offer both economy and executive class buses.
  • By car or motorcycle: Visitors can also drive or rent a car or motorcycle to reach Malang. The city is well-connected to other cities in East Java via the Surabaya-Malang Toll Road, and the journey can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the starting point.

Once in Malang, visitors can explore the city on foot, by bicycle, or by using public transportation, including becaks (pedicabs) and angkot (minibuses). The city is known for its beautiful colonial architecture, including the historic Balai Kota (City Hall) and Tugu Monument, and is also a great base for exploring other nearby attractions, including Mount Bromo and the beaches of South Malang.


Java Island is a destination that offers an unforgettable experience for all types of travelers. With its natural beauty, rich culture, and historical landmarks, there is always something new to discover.

We hope that our comprehensive guide Top best must visit places in Java has inspired you to plan a trip to Java Island and explore its many treasures.Don’t forget to take advantage of the convenient transportation options available and make the most of your visit to this amazing destination.

Read also: How to Plan Your Itinerary for Traveling in Indonesia: Create the Perfect Itinerary for Your Trip (from 1 week to 2 months)

Photo credit: Mikkinis via Pixabay (Pixabay License)

Main photo description: Borobudur temple in Central Java, Indonesia.

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Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

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Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

From Bali to Bogor

Bali and Bogor are two popular destinations in Indonesia that offer visitors unique and distinct experiences. While Bali is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and luxurious resorts, Bogor is famous for its lush greenery, stunning botanical gardens, and cooler climate. Here are some points to keep in mind as you plan your journey from Bali to Bogor and discover the best of both worlds.

There is no direct flight from Bali to Bogor. You need to go from Bali to Jakarta by plane, then by car or train from Jakarta to Bogor. The direct flight from Bali to Jakarta takes 1 hour 35 minutes and this is the fastest way to go from Bali to Jakarta.  Then drive from Jakarta to Bogor, and it takes 1 hour.

For nature lovers and sports enthusiasts, the Bogor region is an absolute must visit, especially since it is far from touristy place.

Bogor is a residential city with a pleasant climate, a holiday resort built by the Dutch, Bogor is located 60 km (37 miles) from Jakarta. It is in no way an obligatory stage except that it has an extraordinary botanical park, one of the most important in the world, not to be missed… And then there is another, even more charming, in the surroundings, in Cibodas. A nice base if you want to avoid Jakarta.

How to go from Bali to Bogor?

There are several ways to travel from Bali to Bogor, including by plane, train, bus, or private car.

1. Take flight from Bali to Jakarta

2. Drive from Jakarta to Bogor

It takes 1 hour to drive from Jakarta to Bogor by car.

Alternatively, you can take a bus from Jakarta to Bogor. The journey by car or bus takes about 2-3 hours, depending on traffic conditions.

Or you can take train

Train from Jakarta to Bogor takes 1 hour 40 minutes.

What to do and see in Bogor and surroundings?

If you’re planning a trip from Bali to Bogor, here are some things to keep in mind:

Bogor, a city in West Java, Indonesia, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored. Its cool climate, lush greenery, and botanical gardens make it an ideal destination for nature lovers. Here are some points to help you plan your trip to Bogor and discover its best attractions:

Montage of Bogor
From top to bottom and from left to right: 1) Bogor Palace; 2) Kujang Monument; 3) Raya Mosque; 4) Botanical Gardens. Yogwi21, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya Bogor)

A beautiful well maintained garden. Since the departure of the Dutch, there has been no fundamental change in the orientation of the Institute and its agricultural school has managed to preserve its reputation.

It is also still a place of leisure, walks, meditation and the interest of the Indonesian public does not waver: people come in droves on Sundays to picnic with the family, admire the beautiful fruits and get drunk on the fragrant woods. and aromatic essences. This large 87 ha park is home to more than 15,000 species of trees and more than 5,000 varieties of orchids. Remaining faithful to its vocation, Bogor now has no less than 17 botanical research institutes. even if, on closer inspection (from the suspension bridges for example), we regret a certain abundance of rubbish in the river.

Bogor Botanical Entrance 2018
Entrance of Bogor Botanical Gardens, 2018. Vysotsky (Wikimedia), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

However, these thousands of different plants and flowers are definitely worth seeing. In particular, the rafflesia, the largest flower in the world. However, you have to be very lucky because you cannot predict its flowering or its location. It must be flushed out like mushrooms, except that it measures up to 1 m in diameter and can weigh 10 kg (22 lbs)!

Once of the entrances to Bogor Botanical Garden. 茂木靜夫, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

To the northwest of the park

You can admire the presidential palace (Istana Bogor), which was once (from 1870 to 1942) the summer residence of the governor general of Java, today that of the president of Indonesia. It can be visited by appointment at the tourist office. You have to do it well in advance.

The palace

Kebun Raya Bogor 08
Bogor Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya Bogor West Java Indonesia. Cep Budhi Darma, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This palace was the residence of the Dutch Governors General. It now contains the art collections of Sukarno who loved to rest there. Some will tell you that we sometimes see the ghost of the former president walking around in his Rolls!

Bogor Botanical Gardens Java18
Memorial to Olivia Mariamne Raffles in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. She was was the spouse of Sir Stamford Raffles, vice governor of Java (1811–1816) from 1805 to 1814 and modern Singapore. A monument was erected to her memory in the botanical garden of Buitenzorg (Bogor). Arabsalam, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Istana Bogor
Bogor Palace seen from the Bogor Botanical Gardens.It adjoins the Bogor Botanical Garden. Previously, it was that of the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies and was called Paleis te Buitenzorg. Michael J. Lowe, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

At the northeast corner of the park

The orchid garden (Rumah Anggrek, closed from 4 p.m.) presents a superb collection. Finally, we will not fail to take a look at the beautiful collection of bamboos and cacti.

The zoological museum does not seem to have moved since the departure of the Dutch in 1949. The collections are made up of stuffed animals and a gigantic skeleton of a whale that washed up on the Javanese coast.

Orchid house Bogor Botanical Garden
Orchid house, Bogor Botanical Gardens, Bogor, Indonesia. Sakurai Midori, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Batutulis rock

You can also admire a Hindu Nandi cow statue that is probably 600 years old. Some guides try to make tourists believe that it was discovered in the river that crosses the garden, the Ciliwung and thus confirms the location of the ancient Hindu capital of the Pajajaran kingdom. Others will tell you that it is a good joke and that the statue comes from an Indonesian museum.

Batutulis means “engraved stones”. There are about 800 engravings have been recorded in the area. The best known is Prasati Batutulis, an object of pilgrimage, inscribed by the king of the Pajajaran, Prabu Purana, in honor of his father, Sri Baduga Maharaja Ratu Hajj. Historians hesitate between 2 dates: 1333 or 1533.

Ex President Sukarno, no doubt wanting to benefit from the magic aura of this stone, built his house on the other side and wanted to be buried there. Ex President Suharto preferred to remove the place of burial! Before entering, take off your shoes and pay a small donation.

Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarta (Hindu temple)

Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarttya is a beautiful Hindu temple located in the city of Bogor, Indonesia. This temple is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Bogor, and it is considered to be a significant religious site for Hinduism in the region.

The temple is situated on a hillside, surrounded by lush greenery and overlooking the city. The stunning architecture of the temple features intricate carvings and statues, which are characteristic of Hindu temples. The temple’s design and construction were inspired by the ancient Hindu temples in Bali, and it is considered to be a symbol of Hindu culture and tradition.

Here are some points about Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarttya in Bogor:


Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarttya is a significant Hindu temple located in Bogor, Indonesia. It is considered a symbol of Hindu culture and tradition in the region and is an essential place of worship for the Hindu community.


The temple features stunning traditional Hindu architecture, with intricate carvings and statues. The design and construction were inspired by ancient Hindu temples in Bali.


The temple is situated on a hillside, overlooking the city of Bogor, with beautiful views of the surrounding lush greenery.


Visitors to the temple can expect a serene and peaceful atmosphere. The temple grounds are spacious and well-maintained, with beautiful gardens and pathways that lead to various shrines and prayer halls.

Religious festivals

The temple is often bustling with activity during important Hindu festivals such as Nyepi, Galungan, and Kuningan. Visitors can witness traditional Hindu ceremonies and rituals during these festivals.


There are several small shops and stalls selling souvenirs and religious items, making it a great place to shop for unique gifts.


The temple’s name, “Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarttya,” comes from the Javanese language and translates to “the great sacred mountain of the universe.” The temple’s history and significance in Hindu culture make it a fascinating destination for those interested in learning about the religion.

Overall, Pura Parahyangan Agung Jagatkarttya is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing Hindu culture and tradition in Indonesia. With its stunning architecture, serene surroundings, and rich history, this temple is a true gem in the city of Bogor.

Halimun Salak National Park

The interest of this 40 ha park lies mainly in its hot springs, the crater of the Kawa Ratu volcano and a series of steep slopes, dense jungle and deep gorges, often covered in fog, with a forest of meranti (red wood) and rasamala which is used to make pencils. The park is also home to the rare West Javanese gibbon, a subspecies of the ashy gibbon, the Javan lutung (monkey), and no less than 150 species of birds.

Volcanic activity of Kawah Ratu Gunung Salak, Halimun Salak National Park
Volcanic activity of Kawah Ratu Gunung Salak, Halimun Salak National Park. Toni Wöhrl and Sang Cai, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Mount Salak

Go on an adventure on this 6.3-km (4miles) round trip route near Bogor, West Java. This course is generally rated as moderate. It’s a popular place for hiking, camping, and hiking, so you’re likely to come across a lot of people on your excursion. The best time to visit is from March to December. You will need to leave your dog at home as they are not allowed on this trail.

Gunung Salak dilihat dari Rainbow Hills, Bogor, Indonesia
Mount Salak seen from Rainbow Hills, Bogor, Indonesia. Hiroshi Sanjuro, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Terms and Procedures for Climbing Mount Salak

Climbing Quota

The number of climbers climbing Mount Salak is determined by a quota system, namely 200 people/day covering the Cidahu Route, the Cimalati Route and the Pasir Reungit Route.

Hiking Registration

Registration for Mount Salak Climbing is carried out with an online system, with the following conditions:

  • Online bookings apply to prospective climbers, both local and foreign through government’s website.
  • Online bookings are made by filling out a form that can be accessed on the “Mount Halimun Salak National Park” website: http://bookingpendakiantnghs.menlhk.go.id/kawasan/page/general by following the online booking registration flow, namely: Selecting the desired date and hiking trail, if the quota is still sufficient then the hiking trail and date can be accessed.
  • Filling in personal data on prospective local and foreign climbers including name, address, date of birth, identity card (KTP/SIM/KITAS/Passport), telephone number, and email.
  • Ordering and paying PNBP by transferring Other Receipt Account Numbers.
  • Please note when you buy the ticket: WNI: “Warga Negara Indonesia,” which translates to Indonesian citizen. WNA stands for “Warga Negara Asing,” which translates to foreign citizen.
After making the payment
  • After making a payment, you will be given a booking code in the form of a QR Code.
  • Online booking registration is opened 1 (one) month before the date of the climb and no later than 1 (one) day before if the quota is still available.
  • The climb is carried out in groups with a minimum number of 4 (four) people and a maximum of 10 (ten) people led by 1 (one) person who is responsible for the completeness of the administration and safety of its members.
  • The QR Code is proof of registration when entering the hiking trail.
  • Climbing registration through online booking cannot be canceled.

Volcanic activity of Gunung Salak Kawah Ratu (right) seen from ascent to summit Salak 1 Halimun Salak National Park
Volcanic activity of Gunung Salak Kawah Ratu (right) seen from ascent to summit Salak 1. Mount Halimun Salak National Park is a 400 km² (154 miles²) conservation area. Toni Wöhrl and Sang Cai, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

How to climb mount Salak?

There are 3 ways to climb mount Salak, as follows:


Address: Pasawahan, Kec. Cicurug, Sukabumi Regency, West Java 43359.

The Kutajaya or Cimelati route is the shortest and fastest hiking trail to the top of Mount Salak, but along the way it will be difficult to find water sources, so clean water must be prepared from below. To get to Kutajaya from Bogor, we take a car to Sukabumi and get off at Cicurug or Cimelati.

Cicurug is a sub-district town that is included in the Sukabumi district, all climbing equipment must be prepared here. From the Cicurug market, which also doubles as a terminal, we can charter a car to Kutajaya for around Rp. 70,000.- or take an ojeg for around Rp. 15,000.- Public transportation is only available in the morning, and even then in very limited quantities.


Address: Kp Panagan, Cidahu Village, Cidahu District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java 43359

Mount Salak via Cidahu, Sukabumi. To climb via the Cidahu route, climbers have an estimated travel time of 7-8 hours. The journey to the top of Salak, starting from the Cidahu Registration Post (PTNW Kawah Ratu Resort) Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS).

Pasir Reungit (Reungite Sand)

Address: Jl. mt. Bunder, Mt. Picung, Kec. Pamijahan, Bogor Regency, West Java 16810

The hiking trail for Mount Salak via Pasir Reungit is the longest path that needs to be traversed. Because to get to the top of Salak I, climbers have to walk around Kawah Ratu. The Pasir Reungit route has a panorama that is no less beautiful than the Cidahu route. On this route, there are two small craters, namely the Monkey Crater and the Dog Crater. During the rainy season like this, the two craters turn into natural springs that climbers can use.

Photo credit: Arabsalam (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Photo description: View of the Istana Bogor (Bogor Palace).

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From Bali to Mount Bromo

If you’re planning a trip to Bali, why not add a visit to Mount Bromo to your itinerary? Located about 100 km (62 miles) south of Surabaya, Mount Bromo is one of Indonesia’s most spectacular volcanoes. Mount Bromo (Gunung Bromo) is a volcano on the island of Java located in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, often touted as the most beautiful volcano in Indonesia. It culminates at 2 200 meters (7 217 ft) above sea level and is still active. Here are our tips from Bali to mount Bromo for enjoying Bromo on foot and without a travel agency. The fastest way from Bali to Bromo takes 3 hours 30 minutes, 1 hour flight from Bali (DPS) to Surabaya airport (SUB) and driving 2 hours 30 minutes.

Bromo is part of the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park.

It is very visited by tourists: we had often heard about it and seen great photos. Impossible then to miss it during our trip to Indonesia as the landscape seemed superb. And indeed, we were not disappointed at all! In addition, there are ways to escape the crowds…

From Bali to Mount Bromo by plane and car

The fastest way from Bali to Bromo takes 3 hours 30 minutes, 1 hour flight from Bali (DPS) to Surabaya airport (SUB) and driving 2 hours 30 minutes.

From Bali to Mount Bromo by car or bus

The best way to get from Bali to Bromo without a car is to bus and car ferry and train which takes 10h 14m and costs IDR 500 000 – IDR 750 000. How long does it take to get from Bali to Bromo? It takes approximately 2h 52m to get from Bali to Bromo, including transfers. However, this option is more time-consuming and less convenient than flying.

Pura Luhur Poten, an Hindu temple on the Bromo caldera. © Jose Mario Pires (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Crater of Mount Bromo

Crater of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia, 20220820 0558 9456
Crater of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Edge of the main crater

Bromo crater
Edge of the main crater of Mount Bromo on Java, Indonesia. Zapata1000, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

How to climb Mount Bromo?

Hiking to the summit of Mount Bromo to witness the sunrise is the most popular activity in the area. Here’s what you need to know to plan your hike:

1. Starting point

The ascent of Mount Bromo begins from the village of Cemoro Lawang. From there, you have two options:

  • The first is to climb on foot. It is an easy and safe walk of about 45 minutes. Without any apparent difficulty, the hike is accessible to everyone, even children.
  • The second is to take part in an organized Jeep tour. This tour includes a stop at Mount Penanjakan Viewpoint, the best place to watch the sunrise over Mount Bromo.
2. Timing

The best time to start your hike is around 2:30 AM to reach the viewpoint in time for the sunrise, which usually occurs between 5:00 to 6:00 AM. The hike to the viewpoint takes around 1-2 hours, depending on your fitness level.

Stair climbing to Bromo crater
Sea of sand in Bromo National Park, East Java, Indonesia: 250 steps to reach the top of Bromo crater. 22Kartika, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3. What to bring

It’s important to bring warm clothes, as it can get quite cold at the summit, as well as a flashlight and good hiking shoes. You can also rent a horse or a motorcycle to make the hike easier.

4. Other activities

After watching the sunrise, you can hike down to the Sea of Sand and visit the Bromo Crater, or take a jeep tour to explore other scenic spots in the area, such as the Savanna and Whispering Sands.

Famous sea of sand

Its famous sea of sand and its smoking crater taking shape in the first signs of dawn have made it a must in Indonesia’s travel diaries, attracting a little more visitors each year. Located in East Java, halfway between the city of Surabaya and Kawah Ijen, Mount Bromo – whose name probably comes from a deformation of the name of the Hindu god Brahma – is one of the most known and the busiest in this region of Southeast Asia.

Lautan Pasir Di Gunung Bromo - panoramio
Sea of Sand, Mount Bromo – East Java, Indonesia. kresnanda bayu, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


To facilitate the climb with children, you can rent horses for them. Between tourists and locals, you can walk on a steep path. You’ll leave the horses at the foot of the stairs that go up to the volcano.

It is a staircase of 250 steps, anchored in the volcano which allows us to climb easily. Once at the top, the show is impressive. Between the smoke and the noise of the volcano, this moment is magical. You have to sneak around to find an accessible place to admire the yellow smoke coming out of the volcano.

Horseback getting into crater of mount Bromo
Horseback riding to reach the top of the Bromo crater. Maulana Yusuf, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Climb Mount Penanjakan for sunrise over Bromo

The path to Mount Penanjakan is simple and its ascent does not require too much physical effort. To admire the sunrise, we went up to King Kong Hill, which is not another hill, as one might think. It is just one of the viewpoints of Mount Penanjakan.

We explain all the stages here and you can find the route on an interactive map a little further down.

1) Departure from Cemoro Lawang around 3am

At the main fork in the village, take a right towards Cemara Indah Hotel, not Cafe Lava. But do not continue to Cemara Indah. A few meters before the hotel, turn right onto a road that runs along the cliff without approaching it.

Continue straight on this more or less paved road, there is no risk of making a mistake. The road passes between fields of leeks and next to small houses.

In front of you, in height, you should see a small red light, it is an antenna which is located at the very top of Mount Penanjakan on which you are going to climb, a good landmark.

2) Passage in front of the small car park around 3:45 a.m.

After 30 to 45 minutes, you will come to a small parking lot where Indonesians will offer you coffee. It’s just a bend in the road, turn right to continue on it. Pass the barrier that blocks vehicles.

3) End of the road, beginning of the steps

You come to a viewpoint where you can stop, but you are still quite low. Here you will have to take the small stairs that go up. You can take off a few sweaters and your hat, the upcoming climb will keep you warm!

4) End of the steps, beginning of the trail

Another point of view, with a sort of concrete structure. Look here for the small path that goes up through the vegetation. You attack the part a little more complicated, nothing very dangerous however.

5) Arrival at King Kong Hill around 4:30 am

You reach concrete barriers under which you have to pass. A small crowd has already formed (unless you are the first!). This is a great vantage point to see the sunrise over the valley. If you don’t want to stand, there is room for about twenty people seated in the dirt, going back under the barrier at the front. Be careful, it slips.

The sun will rise to your left around 5:00 – 5:15 a.m., during this time the volcanoes will become visible in front of you.

From 6:30 a.m., tourists vanish. If you are not in a hurry, then you find yourself alone in front of this incredible spectacle.

Menanti Sunrise di Bromo
Waiting for sunrise in Bromo. As an alternative, two other locations are provided to enjoy the sunrise on Mount Bromo, namely Bukit Cinta and Bukit Kingkong. Arbasbarong, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6) King Kong Hill (cont’d)

If there is no more space on the small platform of King Kong Hill, take the concrete path and climb about fifty meters to the other belvedere which is not bad either.

7) At the top of Mount Penanjakan

The viewpoint at the very top of the hill is nice too, but it’s more crowded, everyone getting dropped off by jeep. If you’ve waited long enough at King Kong Hill, everyone will have already descended and you’ll have the viewpoint all to yourselves once at the top, after a 20-minute walk.

Continue to climb on the concrete path, until you reach the asphalt road. No hesitation, you have to go up, so turn right.

If you arrive late like us, around 7:30am, the tourist stalls should already be closing (these are probably the earliest shops in the world). Take the path that leads to the antennas and the viewpoint.

8) Descent to Cemoro Lawang on the Bromo

You will be offered the motorcycle trip if you want to quickly continue with the ascent of Bromo. For our part, we were in no hurry and we went down on foot by the same path, which is very pleasant during the day.

Practical info

The volcano belongs to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Access to this park costs about 220,000 Rps, the equivalent of about € 14.

If you want to watch the sunrise over the Penanjakan viewpoint, bring warm clothes (hiking pants, fleeces or windbreakers, etc.).

Gunung Bromo 1
Viewing point for Bromo sunrise. Azxeav, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sources: SurabayaApartments, Cleverly Smart, PinterPandai

Exploring the Top Best Must Visit Places in Java | Where to Go and Best Places to Visit for an Unforgettable Adventure

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From Bali to Mount Ijen

This is Kawah Ijen, culminating at 2799 meters (9084 ft) above sea level and renowned for the turquoise lake that its crater shelters. Driving from Bali to Mount Ijen takes 5 hours 30 minutes including the ferry crossing. You can hike during the day to see the turquoise lake and night to see the famous blue flames. Ijen is listed in UNESCO Global Geopark.

Here, unlike Bromo, no accommodation is available in the immediate vicinity. We advise you to take start  in the town of Banyuwangi and find a minibus to drop us off there in the middle of the night to watch the sunrise (more practical details await you at the bottom of the article). The closest accommodations: Banyuwangi (1 hour) or Bondowoso (2 hours).

Ijen ViewMount Ijen Craters. Ijen Crater is one of the mountains that has a beauty that is very suitable as a photographic object. around the crater there are trees that can add to the beauty of the ijen crater. In Ijen Crater, we can also enjoy the blue fire phenomenon at night where there are only 2 of these phenomena in the world and one of them is here in Ijen and and in Dallol mountain, Ethiopia. HarfiBimantara, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The mount Ijen

Kawah Ijen is a volcano located near Bali, east of Java. The crater of this volcano is filled with an acid lake and its heart is a sulfur deposit.

Mount Ijen, known as “Kawah Ijen” in Indonesian, is an active volcano located in the east of the island of Java. It is located in the middle of a breathtaking landscape of volcanic cones and culminates at 2799 meters (9084 ft). Its crater contains a sulphurous lake of turquoise color, considered the most acidic lake in the world and, at night, you can also observe the famous electric blue flames which emanate (emerge) from the crater.

Many travelers travel to the island of Java, by ferry from the port of Gilimanuk in Bali, to do this must-do hike and then continue their journey with the Mount Bromo trek. Follow our guide to find out everything you need to organize your night hike on Mount Ijen, whether on your own or via an agency, you will be amazed.

What is the time difference between Kawah Ijen and Bali?

Bali is 1h ahead of Kawah Ijen. When 3:50 PM in Kawah Ijen, it’s 4:50 PM in Bali.

What time to start the hiking?

If you want to descend into the crater to see the blue flames, you have to get to the top of the volcano before 3am, so you have to leave the hotel at midnight.

If you don’t want to descend into the crater but just enjoy the sunrise over the lake, you can leave the hotel at 3 a.m. to arrive at dawn, which we did.

Make an appointment with your taxi to pick you up at the desired time from your hotel. Plan a little margin ahead…

How to get to the plateau of Mount Ijen?

The Ijen plateau is accessible by the towns of Bondowoso west of Ijen or by the port of Banyuwangi in the far east of Java, the city where you will disembark if you come to Java by ferry from Bali.

Generally, travelers from West or Central Java head to Probolingo Station which provides several daily trips to Banyuwangi. From Banyuwangi, count 1h30 drive to Mount Ijen. Java is also rather well served by direct buses to Bondowoso, or Banyuwangi from Probolingo bus station.

If you come from Bali by ferry and you come to Java to directly climb Mount Ijen, you can also disembark at the port of Ketapang then go by taxi or car to Bondowoso or Banyuwangi which are not very far from the port.

Kawah Ijen volcano, Java
Kawah Ijen volcano and crater lake, Java, seen from Landsat 8 (American Earth observation satellite launched on February 11, 2013). NASA Earth Observatory image by Jesse Allen, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Practical information for going from Bali to Mount Ijen by bus

1. Take the local bus to the port of Gilimanuk in West Bali

In Pemuteran, you will need to catch the local bus on the big main road. There are regular ones, ask at the warungs where the stop is. The journey to the Gilimanuk pier is about thirty kilometers. The bus will drop you off in front of the port. Ask for the ferry to Java and buy your ticket at the cash desk (around IDR 35,000 for a return ticket in 2019, i.e. € 2 per crossing). A paper is to be filled in with surname, first name, nationality etc…

2. Arrival at Ketapang port in Java

At the exit of the ferry in Ketapang, I advise you to move away a little from the pier and to negotiate a bemo or a taxi away from the touts. Fix the price beforehand and don’t be fooled, because the drivers very often try to make detours to inflate the price of the race.

How to get from Banyuwangi to Ijen Volcano?

There are 2 options to see the volcano:

Either you book a tour with the hotel with a driver or a minibus that will take you to the volcano for around €80 per person, but you can just as easily organize everything yourself by taking a taxi to bring you to the level from the Paltuding parking area at the foot of the Kawah Ijen volcano.

We advise you to find it in advance, either on the internet or by negotiating a taxi away from the pier. Few Balinese taxis agree to go to Java, for them it’s the end of the world. It is better to find a taxi on Java by paying attention to scams!

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The taxi ride takes about 30 minutes from Banyuwangi. He will leave you at the parking lot and wait for you. Take note of the location of his car, because when you return, there will be a hundred buses and vehicles parked here. The entrance to the path is well indicated and begins after the wooden hut.

Hike during the day to see the turquoise lake

A crazy view of the turquoise lake of the Ijen volcano and the sulfur extraction mine. Moreover, Kawah Ijen means “green crater” in Indonesian. The fumaroles (solfataras) loaded with hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide will react on contact with oxygen and condense into a bright orange liquid sulfur deposit.

The color of Lake Kawah Ijen comes mainly from two parameters. The first is of course due to its extreme acidity. But the acidity does not entirely explain the magnificent hue of this lake. You also have to add a subtle touch of molten metals to the recipe to get the right combination.

Ijen volcano sunriseSunrise over lake in Ijen crater, Jawa, Indonesia. Syselpunk, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

An open pit sulfur mine

Going down to the bottom of the crater, you will be able to see the daily life of the miners who venture to the bottom of the crater every day to collect sulfur with their pickaxe. If you ever get tired during your hike, tell yourself that every day, no less than 300 miners descend and ascend the crater 2 to 3 times a day, carrying up to 80kg (176 lbs) of sulfur per person. They load large blocks of sulfur into their two baskets tied with a wooden stick and placed on their shoulders.

The composition of the lake, as follows:

  • 1,300,000 tons of aluminum sulphate
  • 600,000 tons of hydrochloric acid
  • 550,000 tons of sulfuric acid
  • 200,000 tons of alumina
  • 170,000 tons of iron sulphate
  • 140,000 tons of magnesium sulphate
  • 120,000 tons of calcium sulphate
  • 100,000 tons of potassium sulphate
  • 30,000 tons of 99% pure sulfur

Sulfur is 90% used to prepare sulfuric acid, the basic product of the chemical industry, used to make fertilizers and lead-acid batteries, making car batteries, oil refining, water processing, and mineral extraction. Other applications for sulfur-based chemicals include rubber vulcanization, bleaching paper, and product making such as cement, detergents, and pesticides. And some gunpowder too.

Traditional Sulfur Miners at Kawah Ijen
Traditional Sulfur Miners at Kawah Ijen. It is heartbreaking to see the miners making their way up from the bottom of the crater, carrying 80-90 kg of sulfur in baskets on their shoulders. Still the experience is definitely worth it and a must see place. Emjeha, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hike at Night to see the blue flames of Mount Ijen

Mount Ijen is best known for its famous blue flames, visible at night. These electric blue flames appear during the combustion of sulfuric gases.

The gases escape from the fissures of the volcano at high pressure and at a temperature of up to 600°C (1112°F). Then, the gases ignite when they come into contact with the air, which creates the famous blue flames which can reach up to 5 meters (6.5 ft) in height.

Blue fire of Ijen, Kawah Ijen, Java, Indonesia, 20220821 0432 9581Blue fire of Kawah Ijen, East Java, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

These volcanoes that produce blue flames: an unusual case of natural chemiluminescence

At night, the craters of certain volcanoes, such as Dallol in Ethiopia or Kawah Ijen in Indonesia (on the island of Java), offer a grandiose, exceptional and intriguing spectacle: they seem to produce blue lava. In fact, it is the flames above the lava that are azure blue in color.

But where does this blue color come from? It is mainly due to the large amount of sulfur present in the crater. Thus, the sulfur vapors which escape with a temperature of 200°C (392°F) ignite on contact with the air producing blue flames which can sometimes reach up to 5 meters (16.5 ft) in height.

BluefireThe blue sulfur flames in the Ijen Caldera. Arie Basuki, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Descent into the crater to see the blue flames

At this place, we can admire the blue flames, if the conditions allow it (there should not be too much wind). You can wait a few minutes, nothing happens. Then suddenly shows a small formation of blue flames. After 5 minutes, the flame has grown, it’s a real little blue fire that burns!

How to hike to Mount Ijen?

The hike consists of climbing the volcano at night to arrive at the summit an hour before sunrise. Once at the top, while it is still dark, you will descend into the crater to observe the famous blue flames that emerge from it. You will then have to go back up to enjoy a breathtaking view of the crater and the surrounding mountains, and admire the emerald lake at sunrise.

Total hiking time is around 2 hours from Paltuding. The journey continues until you reach the Paltuding Post and you can go to the location by climbing 3 km (1.85 miles) to the edge of the Ijen Crater caldera.

The departure is around 2am from the beginning of the trek. Throughout the ascent, the path is well indicated, wide and without rocks, but the slope is sometimes very steep. You will quickly be out of breath, but since the climb to the summit is no more than 4km, you have plenty of time to take breaks.

The last 30 minutes of the hike (which lasts no more than 2 hours in total) are flat. Finally, the most exhausting part of the hike is the descent to the bottom of the crater, then its ascent before sunrise.

Ijen Volcano at dawn
Ijen Volcano at dawn. Ijen Volcano houses the most acidic lake in the world, it is also a source of sulfur, such sulfur creates a chemical reaction that makes the flames in the volcano blue. Jrivera175, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What to bring for the hike?

  • A gas mask to protect you from sulfur fumes that sting the nose and eyes and are dangerous for the lungs!
  • A flashlight or headlamp because the hike is done at night.
  • Warm clothes: sweaters, gloves, hats. It is very cold at the top of the volcano! And possibly a rain poncho, in case of a downpour…
  • Good walking shoes (but no need to buy real trekking shoes)
  • Something to eat for breakfast (cereal bar, dried fruit…) and at least 1L of water per person, because there is nothing to buy to drink or eat during the ascent.
  • If you want to get to the starting point of the trek on your own, you will need a powerful scooter because the slope is steep.

Mount Ijen Tosca Crater, Baluran ParkThe view of Mount Ijen, Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Hildaniar Novitasari, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Can you climb Mount Ijen without a guide?

Yes ! You can easily climb Mount Ijen without a guide. As explained above, the path is wide and really well indicated. Also, there will be a lot of hikers around you. So you can’t get lost. In reality, the only time the guide can be useful is during the descent and then the ascent of the crater. Indeed, the path to the bottom of the crater is narrow and quite difficult, and can be slippery at times. But go at your own pace and you’ll be fine 🙂

For fares: if you go by yourself to the starting point of the hike from Banyuwangi, count 6,000 IDR for the toll on the road. Then, entrance to Mount Ijen costs IDR 150,000 per person (for tourists) and 10,000 for locals.

Climbing Mount Ijen from Bali with an agency

If you prefer to be taken care of from start to finish, it is possible to go through an agency: Private transport A/R between Bali and Ijen, Ferry crossing, private guide for the ascent.

Ijen Crater Facility

Traveling to Ijen Crater certainly aims to enjoy the natural beauty of Ijen Crater with facilities that are quite complete and in accordance with our tourism needs. Here are some of the facilities in the Ijen Crater tour, including:

  • Food stalls
  • Toilet
  • Parking location
  • Mask rental
  • Tour guide
  • Local taxi
  • Sunrise view point
  • Blue fire view pont
  • Souvenirs

Photo credit (main picture): Ardhanragil (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Must See Places in Indonesia | A Guide to the Country’s Best Attractions to Explore and Discover

Have you booked your villa in Seminyak center (South Bali)?

Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

From Bali to Bromo

If Indonesia is studded with volcanoes, Mount Bromo, on Java, offers with its immensity and surreal beauty one of the most incredible natural spectacles in the whole country. The fastest way to go from Bali to Bromo takes 3 hours 30 minutes. First of all you need to take a plane from Bali Airport (DPS) to Surabaya (SUB) around 1 hour, then drive from Surabaya to Bromo Cemoro Lawang (the village closest to Mount Bromo) takes 2 hours and 30 minutes. Or you can drive from Bali to Bromo takes 10 hours.

To live new experiences and meet great people. The trip opened our eyes and especially the doors to new worlds. Culminating at 2389 meters above sea level, Mount Bromo is one of the many active volcanoes of Indonesians, located east of the island of Java. This volcano is part of the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. Its crater is 200 meters deep and has a diameter of 800 meters.

Mount Bromo has a vast crater (10 km in diameter, the result of the violent volcanic history of the Tengger caldera) seems “pierced” by the often smoking peak of Bromo. Huge plains of ash and volcanic sand stretch to the towering crater cliffs, and the nearby peaks of Kursi and Batok appear as menacing companions to Bromo. The crater is best seen filling the horizon at sunrise. In order to see this admirable scorched-earth landscape, 4×4 excursions depart around 3:30 am from the nearby town of Cemoro Lawang.

Morning atmosphere on Mount Bromo, East Java. Hasiholan Siahaan XIV, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3 Ways to get from Bali to Bromo

By plane and car

Flying is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach Bromo from Bali. The flight from Bali Airport to Surabaya (SUB) takes 1 hour and then drive from Surabaya to Bromo takes 2 hours 30 minutes.

What airline companies run direct flight services from Bali and Bromo?
Driving from Bali to Bromo

By car from Bali to Bromo takes 10 hours.

From Surabaya to Bromo

By bus from Bali to Surabaya, then to Cemoro Lawang (the village closest to Mount Bromo)

This is the most used route to get there. To get there from Surabaya, you have to go to the Bungarasih bus terminal (also called Purabaya) and then from there take a bus to Probolinggo. From Probolinggo it is then possible to take a minibus to Cemoro Lawang (the village closest to Mount Bromo).

How to get to Mount Bromo by bus or train?

From Probolinggo: by bus

Probolinggo is the nearest big city to Mount Bromo, located in North Java. You can get to Probolinggo by bus (or train, see below) from Surabaya: go to Bus Terminal Bungurasih the bus station located south of Surabaya to catch a bus that will take you to Probolinggo. The trip is inexpensive (50,000 IDR on average) and takes about 2 hours. You can book a bus ticket on this site

Once you arrive in Probolinggo, you can take a minibus to the village of Cemoro Lawang. The price per person is IDR 35,000 if the bus is full (about 15 seats).

From Surabaya: by train

You can also take the train from Surabaya to Probolinggo and then a minibus from Probolinggo to Cemoro Lawang. The train station in Surabaya to get to Probolinggo is called Surabaya Gudeng, economy class train tickets cost on average IDR 30,000 (yes, it’s cheaper than the bus!) and the trip also takes 2 hours. To book a train ticket, the best site is Tiket.com, a reliable site for booking train tickets, planes and hotels in Indonesia.

In summary, the best way to see the sunrise at Mount Bromo is to do the trip: Surabaya – Probolinggo – Cemoro Lawang 🙂

Crater of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia, 20220820 0558 9456
Crater of Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Everything you need to know to organize your hike to Mount Bromo in Java

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a national park located in the east of the island of Java in Indonesia. It is made up of a mountainous region whose highest point is Mount Semeru at 3,676 m, the highest peak in Java. The Tengger Massif and Mount Bromo are part of the park. There are also 4 lakes: Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo and Ranu Darungan, and about fifty rivers.

Read also: Hiking Mount Batur in Bali | Hike to witness the sunrise from the top of the volcano!

Bromo sunrise May2014
Sunrise in the steaming crater of Mount Bromo with stately Mount Semeru imposing in the background. Alec.bernstein, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The preparation to climb Mount Bromo

From the village of Cemoro Lawang: on foot or by jeep

Cemoro Lawang is the village at the foot of Mount Bromo where most visitors come to sleep before climbing to see the sunrise. This village is accessible from Probolinggo and you will easily find hotels or guesthouses there. From Cemoro Lawang, count about 1 hour of walking to go to Mount Bromo, or you can directly rent a jeep in a group (5 to 6 people depending on whether you take a driver) for IDR 400,000.

Departure by jeep and climb

To see the sunrise at Mount Bromo, you leave around 3:30 am from Cemoro Cawang. If you rent a jeep, allow 1 hour to reach the starting point of Mount Bromo. The distance is short but there is a horde of jeeps on the road so it goes really very slowly…

Then the jeep drops you at the starting point and you walk under a beautiful starry sky (if the weather is good) until reach the viewpoint overlooking Mount Bromo and its crater. The ascent on foot is widely accessible even for the less athletic, and takes barely 1 hour (45 minutes to be exact).

Read also: From Bali to Mount Bromo (East Java) Complete Guide to Sunrise Hike + Tips

Arrival at the summit for sunrise

Once you get to the viewpoint, the view is simply spectacular! It is without exaggerating one of the most beautiful landscapes of Java. You can have a local breakfast at the top: banana fritters (pisang goreng) fried with the means at hand right before your eyes, which adds so much charm to this unique experience. And for really nothing: 2,000 IDR each! You can also buy hot or cold drinks.

Descent to the sea of sand then ascent of the smoking crater

A small crossing of the “sand sea” leads me at the foot of the Bromo.

Then you descend and return to the jeep around 6:30 a.m. to see the smoking crater. Again, the scenery is breathtaking. A sea of black sand stretching as far as the eye can see, locals moving from one point to another on their horses, itinerant sellers of bananas, masks, ponchos and souvenirs of all kinds…

To see the crater, you have to take a staircase of about 200 steps, but the ascent is very easy. This is the only downside: there are so many people that you take a break every 2 steps.

Exploring Bromo National Park

Once you arrive at Bromo National Park, there are several activities and attractions to explore:

  • Sunrise viewpoint: Watching the sunrise over Mount Bromo is the most popular activity in the area. You can hike up to the viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan to watch the sunrise, which offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and caldera.
  • Bromo Crater: The Bromo Crater is an active volcano that last erupted in 2019, and hiking to the crater offers a unique experience of getting up close to an active volcano.
  • Sea of Sand: The area surrounding Bromo is known as the Sea of Sand, a vast expanse of sand that covers the caldera floor, giving the area an otherworldly and surreal feel.
  • Other scenic spots: The area around Bromo has several scenic spots, such as the Savanna and
  • Whispering Sands, offering stunning views of the mountains and caldera.
  • Cultural experiences: The Tenggerese people, who live around Bromo, have their own unique culture and traditions, adding a cultural element to your visit to Bromo National Park.

Tips and Useful information

Is a guide mandatory for Mount Bromo?

No, you do not need a guide at all to climb Mount Bromo. On the other hand, it is strongly recommended to rent a jeep and a driver because the climb to the starting point of Mount Bromo is really long on foot and complicated because you take the same road as all the jeeps. Almost no one does it on foot.

Mount Bromo (2012)
Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia. 22Kartika, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What to bring?
  • Warm clothes: hat, gloves, sweater… It is really cold at the top, you will be very happy to be covered while waiting for sunrise.
  • Torch or headlamp: depending on the tour you take, it will not always be provided so it is better to have your own lamp.
  • 1L of water/person and a few snacks: once the sun is up, it is really hot on the sea of sand and above the crater. And apart from pisang goreng and bananas, there is no food on site so don’t forget to bring your own.
  • A scarf or something to protect you from the dust: on the sea of sand and going up the crater there is a lot of dust, so if you have a scarf or a cloth to cover your mouth and nose, it can be very practical. Otherwise, they sell pharmacy masks on site.
  • Wear sturdy shoes for hiking to the summit of Mount Bromo.
  • Hire a jeep or a motorcycle for exploring the area, as it can be difficult to navigate the rugged terrain on foot.
  • Respect the local culture and traditions, and ask for permission before taking pictures of people.

In conclusion, a visit to Bromo National Park is an unforgettable experience that should not be missed when traveling to Indonesia. With its stunning natural beauty, unique cultural experiences, and adventurous activities, Bromo National Park is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Photo credit: Andhika Bayu Nugraha, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Have you booked your villa in Seminyak center?

Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Whether you’re traveling as a couple, with friends, or with family, Villa Carissa’s three-bedroom villas offer comfortable and luxurious accommodations in the heart of Seminyak center. With modern amenities and beautiful Balinese design, the bedrooms at Villa Carissa are the perfect place to relax and unwind during your stay in Bali.

From Bali to Jakarta

The direct flight from Bali to Jakarta takes 1 hour 35 minutes and this is the fastest way to go from Bali to Jakarta. Driving from Bali to Jakarta takes 18 hours, this route includes a ferry, using the toll / express way.

To help you visit Jakarta, we have created a complete guide with places to see, activities to do in and around Jakarta. Here is the list of the 20 must-see places to visit in Jakarta. Have you decided to spend a few days in the Indonesian capital but you don’t know what to do in Jakarta?

Jakarta is the Indonesian capital, is located in the North East of the island of Java and has no less than 11 million inhabitants. At the antipodes of Bali, Jakarta still has some nice surprises in store for you and is often a must for travelers from Southeast Asia. Jakarta and Bali being not far apart, this is the perfect opportunity for you to include a visit to the capital in your trip.

All means are possible to reach Jakarta from Bali or vice versa: car, ferry, plane, train. Your choice will be made according to your available time, your budget and your objectives.

From Bali Jakarta by air

The main airport of Jakarta, Hatta International Airport (CGK) is the one operating flights to Bali, the duration of the flight is on average 1 hour 50 minutes, sometimes a little bit less, the airlines offering these flights are:

Competitive prices

With Airasia which I think is the cheapest, the one-way Bali Jakarta starts at 24€ (airport taxes included) and the round trip at less than 50€! Cheaper than a one-way TGV ticket.

Bali Jakarta by land

You can use a combination of bus, train and ferry or even drive to reach Jakarta from Bali. In the end you will see more landscapes and you will pay slightly less but it will take you much longer.

Bali – Jakarta by Bus

You can book a seat on a bus that will travel all the way from Bali to Jakarta from Denpasar. The companies operating these routes:

  • Lorena
  • Pahala Kencana

The trip lasts 24 hours, the buses are clean and your ticket includes meals. However, delays are frequent and can be very long. Around 25€ /person.

Bali – Jakarta by Bus and Ferry

Bus from Bali to Yogyakarta: For less than 20€ buses departing from the airport in the evening will take you to Yogyakarta (Ferry passage is included) in about 15 hours.

Train from Yogyakarta to Jakarta: From the station the express train reaches Jakarta in 8 to 10 hours at a cost of around 18€

Menteng, the old history of Jakarta

First of all, Jakarta is a megalopolis which is certainly not the most beautiful place to visit in Indonesia, but it is a very lively city with cultural and historical places to see.

What to do and see in Jakarta?

Jakarta has a population of over 30 million. It is a cosmopolitan city with many cultural mixes with Javanese, Malay, Arab, Indian, Chinese and European influences. But where is Jarkarta? Jakarta is on the northeast coast of the island of Java in Indonesia.

Jakarta Pictures-3
Picture of Jakarta, from top to bottom: panoramic nightview, Jakarta old Town, Bundaran HI, Monas, Jakarta traffic, Istiqlal Mosque. Gunkarta (compilation), source authors listed above (for correct attribution), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Visit Jakarta: the must-sees

1. National Monument or Monas

Monumen Nasional or national monument in English, is the most famous monument in Indonesia. It’s a bit like the Eiffel Tower to the French. It is a 137 meter high tower located in downtown Jakarta at Merdeka Square.

This monument was erected in memory of the many struggles for Indonesian independence. Its construction took about 14 years and passed through the hands of the first two presidents of the Republic of Indonesia.

At the top of the tower, there is a flame composed entirely of gold. To have access and visit the Monas, the entrance is paying. You will be able to climb to the top of the tower by elevator to enjoy a breathtaking panorama of Jakarta and its region. You will find on the ground floor many works retracing the history of Indonesia.

Monumen Nasional is for us a must place to visit in Jakarta.

Monumen Nasional Jakarta (Tugu Monas)
Jakarta National Monument (Monas Monument). The history of monas begins. After the center of government of the Republic of Indonesia returned to Jakarta after previously being based in Yogyakarta in 1950, following the recognition of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia by the Dutch government in 1949, President Sukarno began planning the construction of a National Monument which was equivalent to the Eiffel Tower in the field right on in front of Merdeka Palace. The construction of the National Monument Monument aims to commemorate and preserve the struggle of the Indonesian nation during the 1945 independence revolution, so that it continues to inspire and inspire the spirit of patriotism for the next generation of the nation. Herusutimbul, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Merdeka Square

Merdeka Square literally means “Independence Square” in Indonesian. It is a public square located in the center of Jarkata.

It is the second largest public square in the world with an area of one square kilometer. In the center is the famous Monumen Nasional that we described earlier in this article.

It is a huge must-see place to visit in the city of Jakarta.

2. Old Batavia – Fatihillah Square and Museum

Fatihillah Square or Fatihillah Square is the historical center of the old quarter of Batavia (Old Batavia). This is the center of the old city of Jakarta.

There is the famous Fatihillah Museum which traces the history of Indonesia, the Wayang Museum and the Kota Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics. It is a pedestrian tourist area without any cars.

You can walk around the neighborhood and discover lively places to visit in Jakarta.

Fatahillah Square 4
Fatahillah Square in Jakarta (view from the Jakarta History Museum‎). Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Jakarta History Museum (The Fatahillah Museum)

Jakarta History Museum (Indonesian: Museum Sejarah Jakarta), also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum, It is located in Fatahillah Square in Old Jakarta in Kota Tua (Old Town).

The building was built in 1710 and renovated into a museum in 1974. There are rare objects dating from prehistoric times found in the Jakarta region and on the island of Java in Indonesia.

The museum also traces the history of the country’s colonization by the Netherlands until independence in 1945. You can also visit not far from there the Wayang Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts and Kota Ceramics.

Jakarta Indonesia Jakarta-History-Museum-02
Jakarta History Museum at Fatahillah Square. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0)

3. The Seribu Islands

The Seribu Islands are an archipelago made up of around 100 islands off Jakarta about 45 kilometers away. Known as Kepulauan Seribu, the archipelago is a collection of tropical, paradise-like islands off the coast of Jakarta.

Kepulauan Seribu literally means “thousand islands”. It includes in particular the national marine park of Pulau Seribu. The islands are accessible by boat from Jakarta and promise superb marine expeditions.

Of the total of 110 islands, only 11 are inhabited and the others are either private or still natural and unspoilt. The most famous are: Bidadari Island, Ayer Island, Onrust Island, Tidung Island, Pari Island, Pramuka Island, Sepa Island, Pelangi Island, Macan Island and Putri Island.

There, you can explore the seabed and discover superb paradisiacal beaches. We strongly advise you to do this activity in Jakarta!

Kepulauan Seribu Utara
North Kepulauan Seribu. An airplane shot of the island chain of Kepulauan Seribu to the north of Jakarta. The picture is centered on the densely populated Kelapa-Harapan Island in the center, the island is linked with a bridge on the east-west direction as well as a pier to the south. To the north of the island is a rectangular shaped Panjang Island, the only island in Kepulauan Seribu which contains a landing strip. Rochelimit, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

4. Kota Tua (Old Town District)

Kota Tua district is part of downtown Jakarta also known as Old Batavia. The district has an area of about 1.3 square kilometers and is located in the northwest of the city of Jakarta.

It is a large district which contains in particular the Chinese district that we advise you to visit in Jakarta.

There are many remarkable and historical places. Unfortunately, time takes its toll and these buildings tend to deteriorate. Only a few have been renovated such as the Wayang Museum or the old post office in Kota Tua (Old Town).

Jalanan Kota Tua Jakarta
Street atmosphere in the Old Town (Kota Tua) area of Jakarta. Muhammadsyahid, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here is a list of some places of interest to visit in the Kota Tua district in Jakarta:

  • Batavia cafe
  • The Jembatan Kota Intan drawbridge
  • Gereja Sion Church
  • Luar Batang Mosque
  • Yuan Jin Temple
Wayang Museum (Traditional Puppet Museum)

The Wayang Museum is located in the old quarter of Kota Tua in downtown Jakarta. It is a museum dedicated to the Indonesian art of Wayang. This art is a game of shadows and puppets.

In this museum, one can observe wood or leather creations that enliven shows. This cultural place is a good way to learn more about the art of wayang, an Indonesian specialty.

Wayang Museum 2
Museum Wayang Jakarta. At first the building used by this museum was named De Oude Hollandsche Kerk or Dutch Old Church and it is said that the church was first built in 1640. Then in 1732 it was repaired and changed its name to De Nieuwe Hollandse Kerk or Dutch New Church. This building lasted until 1808 and was destroyed by an earthquake that occurred in the same year. Now at the location of the former ruins, a building was built which is now referred to as the puppet museum building and then its use and designation was inaugurated as a museum on August 13, 1975. Nash ravers, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

5. St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral in Jakarta

The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption in Jakarta is located in downtown Jakarta on the island of Java. It is a neo-Gothic style cathedral which was rebuilt in 1901.

It replaces a church built in 1810 but which was destroyed by fire in 1826, collapsed in 1890. It was rebuilt during the Dutch East Indies period.

Its local name is Gereja Santa Maria Diangkat ke Surga. It is a superb building to visit in the center of Jakarta.

The reconstruction of the current building was completed in 1901, during the time of the Dutch East Indies, after a ten-year interruption due to financial difficulties, and inaugurated under the name of De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouwe ten Hemelopneming (in Dutch, “Church of our dear lady taken up into heaven”).

Jakarta Cathedral Afternoon
Jakarta Neo-Gothic style “The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption. One of the most beautiful historical building in Jakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6. The Great Istiqlal Mosque

The Istiqlal Mosque is located towards the large Merdeka Square in the center of Jakarta in Indonesia. It is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia.

The mosque, located at the northeast corner of the very large Merdeka Square, was built on the site of the former Dutch-built Prins Frederik fort.

It can accommodate more than 110,000 people, which is to say the immensity of the building. Its construction began in 1964 and was completed 20 years later in 1984.

Its hemispherical dome measures 45 meters (147 ft) in diameter. It is one of the must-see places to visit in the city of Jakarta!

Collectie NMvWereldculturen, TM-20023589, Dia, 'De Istiqlal moskee', fotograaf Paul Romijn, 02-1993 - 03-1993
Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta. Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

7. Jakarta Art building

The Jakarta arts building is also known as Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. It is a concert hall located in the center of Jakarta.

You can attend concerts or plays in a superb building that dates from the colonial era. The Jakarta arts building has Dutch colonial style architecture.

It is a very beautiful building to visit in central Jakarta, even without attending a show or concert.

Gedung Kesenian Jakarta, 2018
Front entrance of Jakarta Art Building (Gedung Kesenian Jakarta). Albertus Aditya, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

8. Pulau Bidadari Island

Pulau Bidadari belongs to the Kepulauan Seribu Archipelago and Marine Park off the coast of Jakarta. It is a beautiful island to visit.

The beaches of Pulau Bidadari are heavenly: white sandbanks and turquoise blue water with beautiful seabed.

Angel island - The sixth stop (16932410548)
Pulau Bidadari or Angel island is one of the islands in Kepulauan Seribu which has attracted many tourists and a haven for tourists who want to explore the thousand islands. Thousand Islands (Kepulauan Seribu) are famous for its beautiful islands that were there, including Angel Island. Angel Island is surrounded by many large trees and has a beautiful view. Previously the island is called Pumered Island and Sakit Island, but later changed to Angel Island inspired by islands in Kepulauan Seribu such as Nirvana Island, the Island Princess and other islands that show the name of a matter that relates to heaven or beauty. The island is located between the island of Onrust, Kelor Island, Khayangan Island and Anyer Island, including in the South Thousand Islands sub-districts and Thousand Islands districts. Distance from Marina Ancol to Angel Island is only about 30 minutes by speed boat. Jorge Láscar from Melbourne, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The island is also covered with mangrove forests which are home to some fairly rare exotic plants such as the tree of peace or ebony trees. Many plant species are protected on the island.

You will be able to stroll in a luxuriant nature also inhabited by monitor lizards. A great experience to do a few kilometers from Jakarta

The clear water of Angel island (sixth stop) (16932422448)
The clear water of Angel island (pulau Bidadari). Pulau Bidadari or Angel Island is one of the islands in Kepulauan Seribu which has attracted many tourists and a haven for tourists who want to explore the thousand islands. Jorge Láscar from Melbourne, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

9. The National Museum of Indonesia

The National Museum of Indonesia is called Museum Nasional or Museum Gajah in Indonesian. It is located in downtown Jakarta on the island of Java. Formerly the headquarters of the Dutch Society of Dutch East Indies Arts (the Bataviaasche Genootschap), the museum officially opened in 1868, and is known as the Gedung Gajah (Elephant House) in reference to the bronze statue in front of the museum, donated by King Chulalongkorn of Thailand in 1871.

There are many works that trace the history of Indonesia. It is one of the oldest museums in Indonesia and widely considered the most interesting.

The original purpose of the establishment was to promote research mainly in the field of history, archaeology, ethnology and physics. Indonesian cultural diversity and the history it bears witness to makes it one of the richest in Southeast Asia. The museum has a collection of 61,600 prehistoric and anthropological objects, and 5,000 archaeological objects from all over Indonesia and Asia.

Jakarta Indonesia National-Museum-01National Museum of Indonesia, a Dutch colonial architecture. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

You can visit in particular the treasure room in which there are many jewels.

It is a museum to do with the family to learn more about the history of Jakarta and Indonesia.

Unfortunately, the parts are not always indicated. Here are some benchmarks:

The Chamber of Treasures. The hall features treasures acquired from different Indonesian kingdoms, various Istanas, Kratons and temples in the Indonesian archipelago.

The pieces are arranged by islands: Sumatra, Java, Bali, Borneo, Sulawesi, and eastern Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua). There are various precious royal objects such as jewelry and weapons in gold and precious stones. There are also collections of Balinese golden kriss, golden royal crowns, a golden throne, golden royal insignia, swords and even a golden shield.

The ceramic collection

The collection includes ceramics from the Majapahit empire but also from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and Burma. Chinese ceramics that date back two millennia provide a good insight into Indonesia’s maritime trade over the centuries. The Chinese sailed to India via Indonesia as early as the Western Han period (205 BC to 220 AD) as part of the maritime silk route.

The ethnography collection

The ethnographic collection includes a wide variety of objects that are part of daily Indonesian life as well as other pieces that are used in ceremonies and rituals. The collections are classified according to the geographical locations of each of the regions and islands of the Indonesian archipelago: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Bali, Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara), Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua. Examples of ancient cultures include Nias and Batak in Sumatra, Badui in Java, Balinese, Dayak in Kalimantan, Toraja in Sulawesi, and Asmat and Dani in Papua. The lifestyles of these people have remained unchanged for centuries. They still practice traditional customs (adat) to determine their daily activities and ceremonies.

The prehistory collection

There are artifacts dating from the Stone Age, such as fossil skulls and or skeletons of Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis and Homo sapiens, stone tools, menhirs, beads, stone or bronze axes .

The collection of relics

There are old relics of colonial Indonesia, from the days of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) to the Dutch East Indies. Most of the pieces are old colonial furniture. However, most of the collections has been moved to Jakarta History Museum which mostly presents the history of Jakarta especially the colonial history of Batavia (Old Jakarta).

Jakarta Indonesia National-Museum-09
The inner yard of the National Museum Jakarta. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

10. The National Gallery of Indonesia

Still in the theme of museums, here is the Galeri Nasional Indonesia or The National Gallery of Indonesia. It is an art gallery and museum located in the city of Jakarta.

If you love art, this is the place for you. There are collections of local Indonesian and international artists.

There are more than 1700 exhibited works of different styles. Many world famous works are also exhibited in the gallery. It is a cultural institution that tries to raise awareness about the importance of making art.

National Gallery of Indonesia
National Gallery of Indonesia, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Indonesia. Chongkian, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

11. The old port of Sunda Kelapa

The old port of Jakarta which is called Sunda Kelapa is a very pleasant place to walk around.

The old port of Sunda Kelapa is located in the Ciliwung River estuary in Jakarta. It was the main port of the kingdom of Sunda at the time.

Today, there are old wooden boats and ancient phinisi schooners. It is also the starting point for many trips to the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi.

It is a beautiful port to visit and to take beautiful photos.

Collectie NMvWereldculturen, TM-20020639, Dia, 'Buginese prauwen langs de kade in de haven Sunda Kelapa', fotograaf Henk van Rinsum, 1980
Sunda Kelapa harbor. Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

12. Glodok Chinatown and Temple

Glodok Chinatown is located in the old district of downtown Jakarta: Kota Tua. There are beautiful traditional Chinese houses and beautiful temples.

There is a special atmosphere with food smells. This Chinatown is home to the beautiful Buddhist temple of Dharma Bahkti. We also advise you to do the main street Gajah Mada which is a popular avenue for shopping in Jakarta.

Gateway to Glodok Chinatown, Jakarta
The Gateway to the Glodok Chinatown at the Pancoran street in Jakarta, Indonesia. RasyaAbhirama13, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Vihara Dharma Bhakti Temple (also known as klenteng Jin De Yuan or Kim Tek Ie.)

This is a Chinese Buddhist temple located in Glodok Chinatown in downtown Jakarta. Built in 1650, it is the oldest Chinese temple in Jakarta.

This 3000 square meter temple is a regularly visited tourist spot in Jakarta. Believers come here to burn incense and light candles to ask for protection from the Almighty and ask for prosperity.

If you go there during the Chinese New Year period, the temple is packed with visitors. It remains a very interesting place to visit in the capital Jakarta. Vihara Dharma Bhakti is the center of Chinese festivities in Jakarta. The ghost festival (Cioko) is organized there in the courtyard as well as the lantern festival (Cap go meh). During the colonial period, a Chinese opera Baba-Nyonya was performed every vesak, accompanied by Batavian music played on the keroncong and traditional games.

Klenteng Jin De Yuan, Glodok, Jakarta
Vihara Dharma Bhakti (Kim Tek Ie 金德院). Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


The Vihara Dharma Bhakti complex was built in 1650 under the order of Lieutenant Kwee Hoen. The temple was then named Guanyin Pavilion in honor of Bodhisattva Guanyin. The original name, 觀音亭, is pronounced Kwan Im Teng in Hokkien and Guānyīn tíng in Mandarin. This term is itself the origin of the word klenteng which is the general name for designating Chinese places of worship in India.

The temple was completely burnt down in the 1740 Batavia Massacre.

The Kong Koan, a Chinese organization created by Governor-General of the Dutch Indies Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff following the incident, restored the temple in 1755 under the leadership of Chinese captain Oei Tji-lo. The restored temple was given the name Kim Tek Ie or Jīn Dé Yuàn.

At the end of the Dutch East Indies, the Kong Koan was disbanded. The management of Chinese temples in Indonesia was then handed over to an organization named Dewan Wihara Indonesia or DEWI. Following the nationalization of names in 1965, DEWI recommended the name Vihara Dharma Bhakti in place of Kim Tek Ie for the temple, in a nationalist effort to remove all names of foreign origin from Indonesia.

On the morning of March 2, 2015, Vihara Dharma Bhakti suffered severe fire damage from an accident caused by candles. The ornate roof and more than 40 ancient sculptures suffered the onslaught of flames.

13. Taman Mini Indonesia Park

Taman mini Indonesia park literally means the miniature park of beautiful Indonesia. It is an amusement park of about 1 square kilometer to visit in the city of Jakarta.

He wears his name well since he represents all the 27 provinces of Indonesia with different pavilions. Each pavilion represents the costumes, architecture, music and traditional dances of its province.

It is a real cultural center in which there is a lake with islets representing the archipelago of Indonesia. The people of Jakarta like to meet in this park because many activities are offered there.

It is a beautiful park to do with the family in the city of Jakarta.

Boat ride at TMII
Boat ride at Indonesian archipelago lake, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

14. Ragunan Zoo

Ragunan Zoo is in the South region of Jakarta. It is a 140-hectare animal park that is home to more than 270 species of animals and more than 170 species of plants.

Real green lung of Jakarta, Ragunan Zoo is a great activity to do with the family. You can see rare animals like the Sumatran tiger, the Komodo dragon or the Kaosar.

It is also a place where many Indonesians come to do their sport early in the morning. It must be said that green places are rather rare in the city of Jakarta…

Ragunan zoo Jakarta Indonesia
Main entrance, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta, Indonesia. Midori, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hang out places in Jakarta

1. Skye Bar rooftop

Here is one of the most beautiful rooftops in Jakarta. The bar is located on the 57th floor of the BCA Tower in downtown Jakarta.

It is a restaurant / bar that allows you to enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the rooftops of Jakarta. The panorama is really very cool in this trendy bar.

You can eat international cuisine or drink very good cocktails “with a view”.

Address: Jl. M.H. Thamrin no. 1. Located on 56th Floor, Menara BCA, Jakarta 10350 Indonesia

SKYE BAR & RESTAURANT, Jakarta – Menu, Prix & Restaurant Avis – Tripadvisor

SKYE Bar & Restaurant, Jakarta : consultez 2 020 avis sur SKYE Bar & Restaurant, noté 4 sur 5 sur Tripadvisor et classé #60 sur 10 114 restaurants à Jakarta.

2. Tugu Kunstkring Paleis Restaurant, €€€€ Dutch, International, Asian

This is the place to eat in Jakarta. Guaranteed wow effect. Make sure your taxi driver knows the address as the location is not always easy to find. Arrival at night if you come at night. The place has a lot of allure. It is a 1914 palace that has been renovated by the Tugu group to regain its original luster.

There are huge murals, an antique shop just in case. The menu offers several styles of cuisine, Indonesian, Asian, Western. I tasted the not hot enough Oxtail soup, mash croquettes, good but lukewarm rendang and delicious red rice.

Several decorated rooms that takes you to a bygone era. It feels like we are back in the 19th century.

There is a show with fans offered by the waiters, guaranteed atmosphere. As we dragged to eat, the kitchen could no longer make desserts, which is unworthy for an establishment of this standing. The decor is really impressive. There is a sublime Chinese bar. The establishment has enormous charm and potential. It remains for the Tugu group to finally offer a cuisine that lives up to this setting.

Bataviasche Kunstkring 2012
Bataviasche Kunstkring. Architect P.A.J. Moojen (1879-1955). The text on the building front reads “Immigrasiedienst – Djawatan Immigrasi” (Immigration services). Maarten van der Bent, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo credit (main picture): Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. Wiew around Medan Merdeka (Merdeka square), the center of Jakarta and Monas (National Monument) on the foreground with rising Jakarta skylines on the background.

From Bali to Bogor (1 hour from Jakarta) | A Guide to Exploring the Hidden Gems in West Java

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Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

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Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

From Bali to Bandung

This itinerary from Bali to Bandung is made of unforgettable adventures and discoveries: ideal for holidays with family or friends!

Direct flight from Bali to Bandung it takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. The cheapest way to get from Bali to Bandung is to go by bus and ferry and bus which costs US$ 23 – US$ 60 and takes around 24 hours. The fastes way to go from Bali to Bandung is by plane, it takes only 1 hour and 45 minutes and it costs around US$ 75.

Bandung is the 3rd largest city in the country, is today a renowned student, intellectual and technological hub. Geographically, the city is very large and is divided into two, to the south the industrial part and to the north the beautiful districts. A big crowded and noisy metropolis with a sometimes unsuspected architectural heritage (tropical Art Deco like Miami!). The city of Bandung is located in the Region West Java of the Country Indonesia.

How to go from Bali to Bandung?

There are many ways to get from Bali to Bandung by plane, bus, car ferry, train, night bus or car.


Flying is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach Bali from Yogyakarta to Bali. The flight takes less than 2 hours with tickets starting at IDR 1 600 000 (US$ 75). Note that this includes short taxi transfers to and from the airports, execpt for direct flights (it takes only 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • Citilink
  • Lion Air
  • AirAsia
Train and ferry

If you feel like an adventure and have time for it, you can also take a combined train and ferry trip from Bali to Bandung. The trip takes at least 24 hours, through East Java and along the west coast of Bali, including an additional bus ride from the port to central or south Bali. The total cost is approximately IDR 780,000 (US$ 50). If you decide to go overland, we highly recommend visiting the Bromo and Ijen volcanoes as well as the Sewu waterfalls in Java.


It’s also possible to take the bus from Bali to Bandung, but it’s an uncomfortable 24-hour trip that involves several transfers and is often affected by delays. Long-distance buses can be very tiring and are not the safest way to travel, especially at night.

Bus and train

You may also try to go from Bali to Bandung with bus and train. It will take around 15 hours.

Montage of Bandung
Gedung Sate and trees, KAA Museum, Mosque, Bandung pasopati and Bandung city at night. Yogwi21, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What to do in Bandung?

Here is a small summary of our short stay in Bandung (details in the previous paragraphs):

  • The mosque: Masjid Raya Bandung
  • Alun Alun Square: is the town square of Bandung located in Jalan Asia Afrika. This place is nice to visit where there is a synthetic green grass field. Also, there is a mosque in Bandung Town Square.
  • Stroll in the evening in the lively streets
  • Taste local specialties

Many choices range from nature to city sights. Maybe I can recommend some of the tourist towns in Bandung.

We did some research if you want to visit Bandung or its surroundings, there are really a lot of things to do:

The Bandung Planning Gallery

This place is filled with information about the past, present and future of Bandung. You can write your aspiration about Bandung in the future or just have a lot of aspiration there. The visit is free and open from Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm located in Jalan Aceh near Balai Kota Bandung.

Balai Kota Bandung (City Hall)

After visiting Bandung Planning Gallery, you can move to Balai Kota Bandung which is just a bit behind Bandung Planning Gallery and you can see Balai Kota where there is Taman Badak and Taman Dewi Sartika. When you visit on weekends, this place is packed with Bandung citizens and tourists but it’s fun.

Bandros Bus Tour

This is not a place but a bus. Yes, Bandros is a bus that Bandung government has dedicated for tourists to go around and see Bandung. The bus itself is decorated with a single main color as the identity of the bus route. You can find this bus in Balai Kota Bandung near Taman Dewi Sartika and pay IDR 10,000 for one way, the bus also exists in other areas like Alun-alun Utara Bandung and I hear there you can reach Bandros free. But a friendly reminder, you need to get there in the morning around 8-9 to get the ticket.

Bus Bandros
Bus Bandros in Bandung. Budiandika74, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The historic Braga street

This is the place to be in the evening; always very lively, bars, restaurants with live music, great for a night out…

Buildings at Braga Street
Old buildings (ca 1920s-1930s) at Braga Street in Bandung, some of which had been painted with young and trendy colors. Jagawana, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Dutch colonial building Gedung Sate

Gedung Sate is a public building in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It was designed according to a neoclassical design incorporating native Indonesian elements (such as Hindu-Buddhist elements) by Dutch architect J. Gerber to be the headquarters of the Dutch East India Department of Public Enterprises (Departement van Gouvernmentsbedrijven, literally “Department of Government Industries”); the building was completed in 1920. Today the building serves as the seat of the Governor of West Java Province, and also as a museum.

Its common name, Gedung sate, is a nickname that literally translates from Indonesian as “satay building”, which refers to the shape of the central pinnacle of the building – which resembles the shape of one of the traditional Indonesian dishes called satay. The central pinnacle consists of six spheres which represent the six million guilders financed for the construction of the building.

Read also: From Bali to Gili Islands | Complete guide to visit Meno, Air, Trawangan Islands

Visit the Bandung Conference Museum

This museum is located on Jalan Asia Afrika, in the Freedom Building which is locally known as “Gedung Merdeka”. It can be accessed every day except Mondays.

Musium KAA
Gedung Merdeka, the museum of the Asian-African Conference in Bandung. Jagawana, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Saung Angklung Udjo – theatre with traditional music and dances

This is a cultural theatre located in the city of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Established in 1966, Saung Angklung Udjo has become a must-visit destination for travelers interested in experiencing the traditional music and dances of Indonesia.

The theatre is named after the angklung, a traditional Indonesian musical instrument made of bamboo that is played by shaking it. Saung Angklung Udjo is known for its spectacular performances that showcase the traditional music and dances of West Java, including angklung music, traditional dances, puppet shows, and even interactive music lessons.

Saung Angklung Udjo - theatre with traditional music and dances from different parts of Indonesia (Java, Bandung)
Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung – theatre with traditional music and dances. Ekaterina Kvelidze, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Mesmerizing performances

Visitors to Saung Angklung Udjo can witness the mesmerizing performances by the talented artists, who wear colorful traditional costumes and perform graceful dances to the beat of the angklung music. The theatre is designed to provide an immersive cultural experience, and visitors are encouraged to participate in the performances and even learn how to play the angklung themselves.

Apart from its vibrant cultural performances, Saung Angklung Udjo is also known for its commitment to preserving and promoting the traditional arts and crafts of West Java. Visitors can explore the on-site museum, which showcases the history and significance of the angklung instrument, as well as the various traditional crafts that are produced in the region.

Saung Angklung Udjo is a popular destination for both domestic and international visitors, who are fascinated by the rich cultural heritage of Indonesia. The theatre has become a symbol of Indonesia’s commitment to preserving its cultural traditions, and visitors can witness the beauty and grace of the traditional music and dances that have been passed down through generations.

Attend the Car Free Night

On Saturday towards the historical route Asia Afrika takes place the “Car Free Night”. Between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m., cars can no longer circulate and these give way to a huge crowd of pedestrians who organize shows as well as various activities of all kinds.

Visit local amusement parks
  • Trans Studio Bandung
  • Bandung Treetop
  • Cool off in the Orchid Forest

Get up early in the morning to spend a relaxing day in this orchid forest that is home to hundreds of the rarest varieties in the world.

Discover some essential places to visit around Bandung:

Getting to Tangkuban Perahu Volcano

30 km (18.50 miles) from the city center, discovery of the crater of the volcano located at an altitude of 2076 m. It is made up of a dozen craters that can be explored on foot. Passage through the thermal springs of Ciater, bordered by clove trees and tea plantations.

Indonesia Bandung Tangkuban Perahu
This picture shows the main crater of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano. To its south range lies the megacity of Bandung (Indonesia, island of Java). Glasreifen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A chain of volcanic mountains

It is part of the Sunda Arc, a chain of volcanic mountains that runs along the western edge of Java Island. The volcano’s name, which means “upturned boat” in Sundanese, refers to its distinctive shape, which resembles a giant boat turned upside down.

The mountain’s last major eruption occurred in 2013, but there have been several minor eruptions in recent years, resulting in the closure of the crater area for a period of time. Despite its activity, Tangkuban Perahu remains a popular tourist destination, attracting thousands of visitors each year.

Vulkaan Tangkuban Perahu
Tangkuban Perahu Volcano – West Java – Indonesia. Hullie at Dutch Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The volcano offers various hiking trails, leading visitors to its crater rim, where they can witness the steaming sulfur vents, bubbling mud pools, and panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Some visitors also opt to take a horse ride to the top. There are also several observation decks and cafes located around the crater area, providing visitors with stunning views and refreshments.

Nearby the volcano, there are several hot springs, such as Ciater Hot Springs, where visitors can relax and enjoy the therapeutic properties of the natural mineral waters. In addition, the surrounding area is home to several tea plantations, traditional villages, and waterfalls, making Tangkuban Perahu an excellent destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

Admire the impressive Kawah Putih in Ciwidey

Kawah Putih (or white crater in English) is a surreal blue lake located in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung. A place that is out of the ordinary, the water is magnificent and an almost mystical place. Access by minibus only because on foot it is an hour’s walk. Be careful though, if you are asthmatic the place can be dangerous. The air quickly becomes heavy because of the omnipresent sulfur. If you stay for just 10 minutes and already feel the effects of the sulfur on the body. Visit to be well prepared because it is quite cold.

Kawah putih 2
Kawah Putih Ciiwidey (Bandung Province). Ilham jayakesuma, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Aside from the natural beauty, Kawah Putih also has a fascinating geological history. The crater was formed by a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago, and the acidic lake is the result of the interaction between the volcanic gases and the local groundwater.

Indonesia BandungProvince Ciwidey Kawah Putih
The sour crater lake called Kawa Putih southwest of the town of Ciwidey in the province of Bandung on the Indonesian island of Java is shown. Glasreifen, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In addition to the main crater, there are several other attractions in the Kawah Putih area, including tea plantations, waterfalls, and hot springs. Visitors can also try local delicacies and purchase souvenirs from the various vendors located around the site.

When to go to Bandung?

The best time to go to Bandung is February, March, April, May, August, September, October, November. On the contrary, it is not recommended to visit Bandung in January, June, July, December for strictly climatic reasons (sunshine and temperatures in particular).

Temperatures in Bandung

Over the year, the average temperature varies a lot. It is around 27°C.

Rain in Bandung

There is usually 288 mm of maximum rainfall each year in Bandung.

Seasonal norms in Indonesia

Here are the seasonal normals observed in Indonesia for the months of December and January. Our advice is based on the combination of these historical data of seasonal normals, namely that a good rating indicates a pleasant temperature and little rain.

Sources: PinterPandai, CleverlySmart

Photo credit (main picture): RaiyaniM, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Photo description: the Dutch colonial building Gedung Sate.

Notes: all prices are subject to change without prior notice.

From Bali to Jakarta, Complete Guide to Visit The Capital of Indonesia

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