Work Visa for Bali and in Indonesia
If you are considering working in Bali, Indonesia, obtaining a work visa is a crucial step in the process. Navigating the requirements and application procedures can seem daunting, but with the right information and guidance, it becomes more manageable. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to obtain a work visa for Bali, including where to apply. By following this guide, you will have a better understanding of the process and be well-equipped to pursue your work opportunities in Bali.
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In this article, you can read about:
- How to apply and how much does it cost?
- Important information about permit stay in Indonesia
- Documents required for a KITAS in Indonesia
- How to apply for KITAS online?
- e-Visa Indonesia | Work
- e-Visa Indonesia | Journalist
- e-Visa Indonesia | Artist or Athlete
- e-Visa Indonesia | Studies or Research
- e-Visa Indonesia | Join Vessel
Expatriation can be motivated by an attractive job offer, or by an attractive country for a successful moving and living. Indonesia combines these two points, with a French community present in large numbers. Still, the country is big, and living as an expatriate in Jakarta is not the same as living in Bali. How to settle? To follow, all our information. Please note, tourist and visit visas prohibit working, including as a digital nomad.
Where can I apply for a work visa for Bali?
To apply for a work visa for Bali, you can visit the official website of the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in your country. The website will provide detailed information about visa applications, including the required documents, application forms, fees, and contact information. To find the specific website for your country, you can refer to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia: (foreigner stay permit).
To apply for a KITAS online, you must visit this website, which is the official website of the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration, please read below for more information.
Indonesian KITAS: How to apply and how much does it cost?
The Indonesian KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) is a limited stay permit that allows foreign nationals to legally reside and work in Indonesia for an extended period. If you are planning to work or stay in Indonesia for a longer duration, it is essential to understand the process of applying for a KITAS and the associated costs. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to applying for an Indonesian KITAS, including the application process and the approximate costs involved.
Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) is one of the most used permit to stay of immigration among foreigners. With this card, foreigners can do activities in Indonesia for a longer period of time. However, it is not uncommon for guarantors and foreigners to ask questions about the management process.
Here are five things that guarantors and foreigners need to know about KITAS arrangements:
1. VITAS first, KITAS later (the fastest way to obtain a KITAS)
Obtaining a VITAS (Limited Stay Visa) is the fastest way before you obtain a KITAS. In general, visas are categorized based on the classification of working or not working. The visa classification will also determine the types of documents that need to be brought by the guarantor or foreigner when processing the ITAS at the Immigration Office.
the Vitas user is required to report to the immigration office and convert his visa into a Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) a maximum of 30 days after arrival.
You will receive a KITAS when you apply for work visa, retirement visa, spouse/family visa and other long-term visas for Indonesia. Since this is a residence permit and not a tourist visa, much of the application process takes place from within Indonesia, so you need a sponsor (like your employer) to help you with the request.
Sub-coordinator of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Immigration, Achmad Nur Saleh, explained that based on Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021, an application for a Limited Stay Permit must be submitted no later than 30 (thirty) days after the entry certificate is issued. “A limited stay visa is an entry permit for a limited stay. But according to the provisions, especially Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021, VITAS holders must arrange for their KITAS no later than 30 days after arrival,” said Achmad.
Also read: Foreigners who enter Indonesia with VITAS must convert to ITAS before 30 days
Types of Indonesian Residence Permits
Before receiving a KITAS in Indonesia, you must obtain a VITAS and an ITAS. Although the terms are very similar and confusing, there is a simple logical difference between them:
- VITAS stands for Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas, which means temporary/limited residence permit visa. The VITAS is what you will receive from the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate with the approval of the Indonesian Immigration Department even before you travel to Indonesia.
- ITAS stands for Izin Tinggal Terbatas, which means temporary residence permit. So it’s the immigration status itself. Indonesian immigration offices stamp your passport every year to show that you have temporary resident status.
- KITAS stands for Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, is the temporary residence permit card, which you will only receive once Indonesian immigration issues you an ITAS. So, it’s just a kind of ID card that shows you have ITAS (temporary) immigration status.
Types of KITAS in Indonesia
There are different types of KITAS depending on why you want to live in Indonesia. The most common types of KITAS are:
- KITAS work visa.
- KITAS family visa.
- KITAS retirement visa.
- KITAS student visa.
- KITAS work visa
The KITAS work visa is issued to foreign nationals who wish to work for an Indonesian company or organization. For a work KITAS, your employer must obtain a work permit (IMTA: Izin Menggunakan Tenaga Kerja Asing or Permit to Employ Foreign Workers) for you from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower.
You will then receive a KITAS depending on the duration of your employment contract.
Misconception: Some people think that a KITAS is a work visa. It’s not. You can have a KITAS but not be authorized to work (like Retired or Dependent KITAS). A foreigner is only allowed to work in Indonesia after receiving a work permit (IMTA: Izin Menggunakan Tenaga Kerja Asing or a permit to employ foreign workers).
2. Requirements
The requirements for obtaining a KITAS are as follows:
- ITAS application letter from the sponsor;
- A statement and guarantee letter from the sponsor (with a stamp of IDR 10,000);
- Sponsor’s identity card;
- ITAS application form;
- Original passport and photocopy;
- Domicile certificate from RT/RW or hotel or villa or apartment;
- ITAS approval telex;
- For sponsored Indonesian wife or husband, attach a marriage book, sponsor’s KTP and sponsor’s family card;
- For Indonesian citizen sponsors, attach the applicant’s birth certificate with a certified Indonesian or English translation;
- For TKA, attach IMTA, RPTKA, marriage certificate and birth certificate (marriage certificate and birth certificate must be translated into Indonesian or English by a certified translator);
- For Foreign Investors (PMA) attach Recommendations from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM: Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal or Capital Investment Coordinating Board) and other company documents;
- For students/students to attach a letter of recommendation from the relevant agency
Sponsorship and documentation
To apply for a KITAS, you will need a sponsor, typically an Indonesian company or individual who will support your application. Your sponsor will assist you in obtaining the necessary documentation, such as a letter of sponsorship, employment contract, and other required paperwork, depending on the type of KITAS you are applying for.
3. Take care of your KITAS at the immigration office in the foreigner’s domicile
Unlike the visa on arrival, which also acts as a visit residence permit, which can be extended at any immigration office throughout Indonesia, KITAS must be obtained in the foreigner’s domicile.
“This is also related to immigration control, so that the immigration office can easily collect data and monitor foreigners who stay for a long time in their territory,” Achmad added.
4. Visit Visa Holders can Get KITAS, as long as…
Foreigners holding visit visas indexed B211A can obtain a limited stay permit as long as they have a guarantor according to the purpose of their stay permit.
“For example, a foreigner who wants to change his status from a visit visa or visit stay permit to a family reunification residence permit, must have a guarantor as stipulated by law, such as a husband or wife, father or mother, an Indonesian citizen for those under 18 years of age,” concluded Ahmad
5. Fees
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9/PMK.02/2022 Concerning Types and Rates of Types of Non-Tax State Revenue Urgent Needs for Immigration Services Applicable to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2019 concerning Tariffs PNBP within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the KITAS processing fee per application varies between Rp. 750,000, – up to Rp. 12.000.000,- as follows, depending on the type of ITAS (Izin Tinggal Terbatas or Limited Stay Permit) and length of stay in Indonesia
a. ITAS Upon Arrival: Rp. 750,000
b. ITAS Validity Period of Maximum 6 (Six) Months: Rp. 1,000,000
c. ITAS Validity Period of Maximum 1 (One) Year: Rp. 1,500,000
d. ITAS Validity Maximum 2 (Two) Years: Rp. 2,000,000
e. Special ITAS with a maximum validity period of 5 (five) years for special economic zones (KEK): Rp. 5,000,000
f. Approval of Limited Stay Permit for Workers in Indonesian Waters: Rp. 1,000,000
g. Limited stay permit fee for workers in Indonesian waters: Rp. 300,000
h. Limited Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home with a Maximum Stay Period of 5 Years: Rp. 12,000,000
i. Limited Stay Permit Not in the Context of Working for a Second Home For Followers (Husband/Wife/Children/Parents) with a Maximum Stay of 5 Years: Rp. 3,500,000
Renewal and extensions
Once you have obtained your KITAS, it is important to be aware of the renewal and extension requirements. KITAS typically needs to be renewed annually, and the process may involve submitting updated documentation and paying renewal fees. It is crucial to stay informed about the renewal process to ensure continuous legal stay in Indonesia.
Important information about permit stay in Indonesia
Here is an important piece of information about permit stays in Indonesia: There are numerous types of permits available for expatriates, including limited stay permits (KITAS) and permanent stay permits (KITAP), each with specific eligibility criteria and durations, such as work permits, retirement permits, and permits sponsored by a local spouse, among others. It is essential to understand the specific requirements and limitations associated with each permit to ensure compliance with Indonesian immigration regulations.
Types of work visas in Indonesia (work visa for Bali too)
Like most countries, Indonesia has a variety of visas available for foreign nationals wishing to visit. There are two types of visas for people planning to work in Indonesia:
- Izin Tinggal Terbatas, or ITAS: A limited residence permit. An ITAS can be issued to foreign nationals through a local immigration office by the Directorate General of Immigration in Indonesia. Before a person can obtain an ITAS, they will also need to obtain a Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas (VITAS), which is an Indonesian limited residence permit visa.
- Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap, or KITAP: A permanent residence visa. A KITAP can be issued to a foreign worker who has held an ITAS for at least three consecutive years.
Positions that Cannot be Held by Foreign Nationals in indonesia
In Indonesia, there are certain positions that are restricted and cannot be held by foreign nationals. These restrictions are in place to protect job opportunities for Indonesian citizens and promote local workforce development. The specific positions that cannot be held by foreign nationals in Indonesia may vary depending on the regulations and policies set by the government.
Here are some examples of positions that are typically restricted:
Human Resources related
- Personnel Director or Human Resource Director (Direktur Personalia)
- Industrial Relations Manager (Manajer Hubungan Industrial)
- Human Resources Manager (Manager Personalia)
- Personnel Development Supervisor (Supervisor Pengembangan Personalia)
- Personnel Recruitment Supervisor (Supervisor Perekrutan Personalia)
- Personnel Placement Supervisor (Supervisor Penempatan Personalia)
- Employee Career Development Supervisor (Supervisor Pembinaan Karir Pegawai)
- Personnel Declaration Administrator (Penata Usaha Personalia)
- Personnel and Career Specialist (Ahli Pengembangan Personalia dan Karir)
- Personnel Specialist (Spesialis Personalia)
- Career Advisor (Penasehat Karir)
- Job Advisor (Penasehat Tenaga Kerja)
- Job Advisor and Counseling (Pembimbing dan Konseling Jabatan)
- Employee Mediator (Perantara Tenaga Kerja)
- Job Training Administrator (Pengadministrasi Pelatihan Pegawai)
- Job Interviewer (Pewawancara Pegawai)
- Job Analyst (Analis Jabatan)
- Occupational Safety Specialist (Penyelenggara Keselamatan Kerja Pegawai)
Healthcare and Medical Services
Foreign nationals are often restricted from practicing medicine, dentistry, or other healthcare professions in Indonesia. These positions are usually reserved for Indonesian citizens who have obtained the necessary qualifications and licenses.
Legal and Advocacy Services
Foreign nationals are generally prohibited from providing legal and advocacy services in Indonesia. These services are typically reserved for Indonesian citizens who are qualified and licensed to practice law in the country.
Government and Civil Service Positions
Foreign nationals are generally prohibited from holding government and civil service positions in Indonesia. These positions are typically reserved for Indonesian citizens to ensure national security and sovereignty.
Media and Journalism
Foreign nationals are often restricted from working in media and journalism-related roles, including journalism, reporting, and broadcasting. These positions are usually reserved for Indonesian citizens to safeguard the country’s media landscape.
National Defense and Security
Foreign nationals are generally not allowed to hold positions related to national defense and security, including military and law enforcement roles. These positions are crucial for safeguarding the nation and are reserved for Indonesian citizens.
Fishing and Maritime Industry
Foreign nationals are often prohibited from engaging in fishing and maritime activities in Indonesian waters, as these industries are considered vital for the livelihoods of local communities and the sustainability of marine resources.
It’s important to note that these restrictions may change over time, and there may be exceptions or special permits available for certain positions or industries. It is advisable to consult with the Indonesian immigration authorities or seek professional advice to understand the current regulations and any specific exemptions that may apply.
Find out how to apply for a work visa for Bali – Indonesia
KITAS family visa
This type of KITAS is issued to dependent family members (spouse and/or children under 18) of the main KITAS holders. So, if your spouse has a work KITAS, then they can sponsor your KITAS application.
It is also issued to foreign spouses of Indonesian citizens.
If you have a KITAS family or spouse, you are not allowed to work. For this, you must be sponsored by an Indonesian company, which must obtain a work permit (IMTA) on your behalf.
KITAS retirement
The Retirement KITAS is issued to foreign nationals who are over 55 and wish to retire in Indonesia. To obtain a KITAS Retraite, you must be able to present proof that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay without working, as you are not allowed to take up employment.
However, not everyone is eligible to get an Indonesian pension KITAS.
KITAS student visa
The KITAS student visa is issued to international students who wish to continue their studies at an Indonesian educational institution. It is valid for one year and must be renewed for the duration of your studies.
It does not allow the holder to work.
Documents required for a KITAS in Indonesia
The documents you need to get a KITAS differ depending on the type of Indonesian visa/KITAS you need. They include:
- Your valid passport and a color copy of your passport.
- Proof of financial solvency
- Two passport size color photos
- A color copy of your CV (CV). It must bear the stamp of the company and the signature of a business manager on the stamp.
- A copy of the RPTKA: Rencana Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing (Expatriate Manpower)
- A color copy of your university certificate(s) or highest level of education.
- A certificate of professional experience (at least five years) related to the job
- Proof of an insurance policy issued by an Indonesian insurance company
- Documents of your company, such as: NPWP Tax ID, Business License (SIUP), Capital Registration License (SPPMA) from BKPM, etc.
Joint/family KITAS:
- Identity card (KTP) and family card (Kartu Keluarga) of the Indonesian spouse
- Birth certificate (Akta Lahir) of the Indonesian spouse
- Indonesian spouse’s bank statement
- Birth certificate(s) for dependent children if applicable
For Retirement KITAS:
- Pension fund statements or bank statements, showing financial solvency
- Proof of accommodation in Indonesia
- A statement that you intend to hire an Indonesian domestic worker or driver
- A statement that you do not intend to work while in Indonesia
For student KITAS:
- Copy of letter of acceptance from educational institution
- Your academic reports
- Proof of financial responsibility from your parents, legal guardians or sponsor during your studies
- Any other document that may be requested by the Immigration Service.
Please note: This is not a complete list of required documents as they change depending on your specific situation and the request of immigration officers. This list is meant to serve as a guide only.
How to apply for KITAS?
You must apply for a KITAS within 30 days of entering Indonesia using a VITAS. The VITAS is the entry visa for Indonesia that you must apply for at an Indonesian embassy or consulate near you.
The Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration has an online service that accepts ITAS/KITAS applications.
How to apply for KITAS online?
To apply for a KITAS online, you must visit this website (choose English), which is the official website of the Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration. Select the “Temporary stay permit” option and follow the instructions thereafter. You will need your VITAS authorization number.
After submitting your KITAS application online, you still need to go in person to the immigration offices to make the fee payment and receive the ITAS stamp in your passport.
Next, you must obtain the Police Report Letter (STM) from the local police department and register with the local municipality population office and receive your Temporary Resident Registration Certificate (SKPPS).
KITAS request processing time
A KITAS ork application tends to take longer due to the amount of documents required and the different application processes, such as applying for a work permit. It usually takes six to ten weeks. A spouse-sponsored KITAS, on the other hand, is usually processed within a month, while a retirement KITAS takes about 10 business days from the time the application is submitted.
Although the KITAS application itself does not take long, the whole process of receiving a KITAS can take several weeks, depending on the type of KITAS you are applying for.
How long is a KITAS for Indonesia?
An Indonesian KITAS is issued for a minimum of three months (for temporary work) and up to two years. The duration of your KITAS generally depends on the nature of your work as well as your employment contract.
Can you extend an Indonesian KITAS?
Yes you can. You can extend a KITAS by visiting the offices of the Directorate General of Immigration before the KITAS expires and requesting an extension. You will need to present several documents related to your immigration status, such as:
- The completed KITAS renewal application form
- Letter from your sponsor or guarantor
- Your valid passport
- RPTKA from the Ministry of Manpower if you renew your KITAS job
- Copy of marriage certificate, letter from spouse, identity card of your spouse, etc., if you are renewing a spouse KITAS
- Birth certificate, marriage certificate for dependents of the main KITAS holder
- Any other documents that immigration officials ask you to submit
- You must also pay a renewal fee.
Once you have renewed your KITAS continuously for 2-4 years, you become eligible for a KITAP, which is a permanent residence permit.
KITAS issued for three months are generally not eligible for renewal as they are issued for temporary work.
Indonesia KITAP
The Indonesian KITAP is a permanent residence permit for foreigners who have previously lived in Indonesia with a temporary residence KITAS for a few years. The KITAP is issued for a period of five years, which you can renew if necessary.
When you become eligible for permanent residence depends on your type of KITAS. Spouses of Indonesian citizens can receive a KITAP after two consecutive years of living in Indonesia, while retirees and international workers can only apply for a KITAP after four years.
Once you qualify for an Indonesian KITAP, you get similar benefits as Indonesian citizens, such as opening a bank account, getting a loan, and getting a business license. drive five years.
Can I work with an Indonesian KITAS?
You can only work in Indonesia if you have a work permit in addition to your KITAS. The Student, Retirement and Family KITAS do not authorize the holder to work.
You must have a sponsor (employer) in Indonesia applying for your work permit before you can apply for a work KITAS. Foreigners who do not have a work permit are not allowed to engage in any form of gainful employment in Indonesia.
The labor market in Indonesia
Indonesia has established itself as one of the greatest economic powers in Southeast Asia.
The particularity of the country is that its employment policy aims to favor the local workforce, and therefore does not facilitate the recruitment of foreigners. A company can only recruit a foreigner if he represents an expert profile, justifying a minimum of five years of experience in his field.
Because of this employment policy, foreigners have a better chance of finding a job in a highly qualified position, such as hotel management for example.
Among the sectors that are recruiting: tourism (which represents 80% of the Balinese economy), start-ups and education. Digital nomads can only work with foreign companies unrelated to Indonesia.
In terms of salary, an expatriate employed in a large industry like the Oil and Gas Company can earn between and around €3,200 and €6,500 monthly. The salary of a hotel manager, meanwhile, varies from around €2,600 to €4,300 per month, but the market is much more competitive.
Health insurance for expats in Indonesia
Despite a reform initiated by the Indonesian government in 2014, the Indonesian health system remains underfunded and lacks resources.
Although this new system aims to cover the entire population, including foreigners residing in the country for more than six months, the quality of care is not always there.
To overcome this weakness of the health system, it is preferable to take out international health insurance. This allows the expatriate and his dependents to be covered for all their health expenses in Indonesia and during their stays in France or in other countries.
e-Visa Indonesia | Work Visa
e-Visa Foreign Worker Candidate (visa C18)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 60 days
Number of entry: 1
Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119)
Purpose of stay: This visa is dedicated to individuals undergoing a work trial in Indonesia.
More information about e-Visa Foreign Worker Candidate:
e-Visa Indonesia | Journalist
Journalist e-Visa (visa C5)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 60 days
Number of entry: 1
Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119)
Purpose of stay: This visa allows an individual sent by a foreign newspaper, broadcasting channel, journal, and other media to cover/report news.
More information about Journalist e-Visa:
e-Visa Indonesia | Artist or Athlete
Artist e-Visa (visas C7, C7A, and C7B)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 60 days
Number of entries: 1 Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119)
Purpose of stay:
- Visa C7 (General Art Performer and Crew Visa): This visa allows engagement in activities related to arts and culture, including theater, dance, circus performances, and receiving rewards or facilities for the activities conducted.
- Visas C7A (Music Performer) and C7B (Music Performer’s Crew): These visas enable musical performances and receiving rewards or facilities for the activities conducted.
More information about Artist e-Visa:
- Visa C7:
- Visa C7A:
- Visa C7B:
Athlete e-Visa (visas C8A and C8B)
Validity: 90 days upon approval Duration of stay: 60 days Number of entries: 1 Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119) Purpose of stay: This visa allows engagement in sports-related activities.
More information about Athlete e-Visa:
- Visa C8A:
- Visa C8B:
e-Visa Indonesia | Studies or Research
Study e-Visa (visas E30A, E30B, E30C, and E30D)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 1 year or 2 years
Number of entries: If you meet the conditions, you will automatically obtain the Limited Stay Permit (e-ITAS) and Re-Entry Permit upon arrival at the immigration checkpoint.
ITAS is Izin Tinggal Terbatas or Limited Stay Permit.
Price: 1-year stay: 150 US$ (approximately €139) + IDR 2,700,000 (approximately €160)
2-year stay: 150 US$ (approximately €139) + IDR 3,900,000 (approximately €231)
Purpose of stay: These visas authorize engagement in educational activities in Indonesia.
More information about Study e-Visa:
- Visa E30A – Student Visa:
- Visa E30B – Bachelor’s Degree Visa:
- Visas E30C – Master’s Degree Visa:
- Visas E30D – Doctoral Degree Visa:
Research e-Visa (visa E29)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 1 year
Number of entries: Multiple
Price: 150 US$ (approximately €139) + IDR 2,700,000 (approximately €160)
Purpose of stay: This visa allows engagement in research project-related activities.
More information about Research e-Visa:
Invited Event Participants e-Visa (visa C10)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 60 days
Number of entries: 1
Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119)
Purpose of stay: This visa allows engagement as speakers, presenters, or public figures but not in a work relationship with parties in Indonesia.
More information about Invited Event Participants e-Visa:
e-Visa Indonesia | Join Vessel / Seaman or Ship Crews
Join Vessel e-Visa (visa C13)
Validity: 90 days upon approval
Duration of stay: 60 days
Number of entries: 1 Price: IDR 2,000,000 (approximately €119)
Purpose of stay: This visa allows engagement in activities related to joining a vessel docked in Indonesia.
More information about Join Vessel e-Visa:
Applying for an Indonesian KITAS is a crucial step for foreign nationals planning to reside and work in Indonesia for an extended period. By understanding the application process and costs associated with the KITAS, you can be better prepared to navigate the requirements and ensure a smooth and legal stay in the country. Remember to work closely with your sponsor and follow the guidelines provided by the Indonesian immigration authorities. With proper documentation and compliance with the regulations, you can enjoy your time in Indonesia while embracing new opportunities for work and exploration.
Foreign nationals who wish to work in Indonesia should ensure that they comply with the applicable laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues or penalties.
Photo credit: geralt via Pixabay
Please note that the information provided in the Work Visa for Bali is for general guidance purposes only. Entry requirements and travel restrictions are subject to change at any time due to evolving circumstances and government regulations. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, we make no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, about the reliability, suitability, or availability of the form for any particular purpose.
The article on Work Visa for Bali is not intended to provide legal advice or replace official guidance from Indonesian customs authorities. It is the responsibility of the traveler to comply with all customs regulations and entry requirements.
For more information on these special visas,or work visa for Bali – Indonesia, you may contact the Indonesian Embassy in your country. It is important to carefully consider the requirements for each type of visa or work visa for Bali and seek professional advice before applying for a visa to ensure a smooth and successful application process. It is always important and recommended to check with the Indonesian government for the most up-to-date Work Visa for Bali – Indonesia.
Please kindly note that rules and regulations may be changed without prior notice. Please contact your Indonesian Embassy in your home country or near your place before departure and double check about the work visa for Bali and entry to Indonesia.
Entry Requirements to Bali and Navigating Stay Visas in Indonesia
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