Volunteering in Bali: Opportunities to Give Back and Make a Difference

Volunteering in Bali: Opportunities to Give Back and Make a Difference

Volunteering in Bali

Bali not only has dream beaches on its doorstep, but also a wide choice of volunteering projects: there are many humanitarian missions and eco-volunteering projects as well as missions in more fields. unusual such as construction and infrastructure. On the cultural level, Indonesia also has certain assets: do not miss the opportunity to visit Bali or the temples.

Bali is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning beaches, rich culture, and welcoming locals. However, beyond the tourist attractions, Bali faces several social and environmental challenges. Volunteering in Bali can be an excellent opportunity to give back to the community, gain new experiences, and make a difference. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways you can volunteer in Bali and the benefits of doing so.

Do you dream of getting involved in a cause that is close to your heart, of meeting other young people from all over the world and of immersing yourself in the culture of one of the most beautiful islands on Earth… but you don’t know which organization to choose? Let me tell you about my unforgettable experience within “Volunteer in Bali“. Be careful, by the end of the article, you may well jump on the first flight to Indonesia!

Volunteering in Bali and What You Can Do to Make a Positive Impact

Bali offers a variety of volunteering opportunities, from environmental conservation to healthcare and animal welfare. Volunteering in Bali can provide a unique and fulfilling experience for travelers looking to make a difference. Whether you’re interested in teaching English, participating in beach cleanups, or assisting with animal welfare, there are plenty of ways to get involved in volunteering in Bali.
Volunteering in Bali allows you to connect with locals, gain new skills, and contribute to sustainable development in the region. Bali’s beautiful natural surroundings and rich cultural heritage make it a popular destination for travelers interested in combining volunteer work with a holiday.

We don’t know exactly what you are looking for, but we know that all associations always need help or that would be happy to let you know their needs.

1. Environmental Volunteering in Bali

Bali is known for its pristine beaches, but the island faces several environmental challenges such as plastic pollution and deforestation. Volunteering with environmental organizations like Trash Hero Bali or Greenpeace Indonesia can help mitigate these challenges. Volunteers can participate in beach clean-ups, recycling programs, or reforestation projects.

Peduli Alam

Is concerned with the collection and treatment of waste in the surroundings of Amed. Association founded and directed by a young Frenchwoman. Website: http://www.pedulialam.org/

Nusa Penida, Bali | Friends of the National Parks Foundation

Is concerned with the rehabilitation of birds, fauna and flora in general on the island of Nusa Penida. Website: https://www.fnpf.org/what-we-do/nusa-penida-bali

Keep Bali Beautiful association

The Keep Bali Beautiful association is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Bali. The association was founded in 2012 by a group of concerned individuals who wanted to take action to address the environmental and social issues facing Bali.

The main goal of the Keep Bali Beautiful association is to promote sustainable tourism and responsible environmental practices in Bali. The association organizes regular beach cleanups, recycling programs, and educational events to raise awareness about the impact of pollution and waste on the environment. Website: https://keepbalibeautiful.com/

ROLE Foundation

The R.O.L.E. Foundation (Rivers, Oceans, Land, Ecology) is a non-profit organization based in Bali, Indonesia. The organization was founded in 2007 by Mike and Ozzie O’Reilly, who were inspired to take action to address the environmental and social issues facing Bali.

They several main programs that focus on environmental conservation and education, sustainable livelihoods, and women’s empowerment. The organization runs environmental education programs for schools and communities, as well as training programs for local women in sustainable livelihoods such as sewing and eco-tourism. Website: https://rolefoundation.org/

Bali Local Ecosystems | Exploring Bali’s Natural World

2. Education

Discover the top education NGOs in Bali, which are committed to improving access to education for underprivileged communities, through programs such as providing educational opportunities to rural and remote areas, breaking the cycle of poverty with community development programs, supporting children with disabilities, offering vocational and job skills training, providing healthcare and social welfare support, and more.

Bali Children Foundation in Seminyak

Bali Children Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on improving access to education for disadvantaged children in Bali.

They provide scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational resources to help children stay in school and achieve their goals. You can learn more about Bali Children Foundation and their initiatives at their website: https://balichildrenfoundation.org/

Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi (YKIP) or Humanitarian Foundation of Mother Earth

Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi (YKIP) or the Humanitarian Foundation of Mother Earth is a non-profit organization based in Bali, Indonesia. The organization was founded in 2004 by a group of Indonesian professionals who were dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged communities in Bali.

The YKIP Foundation is committed to empowering disadvantaged communities in Bali and promoting sustainable development. They rely on donations and volunteer support to carry out their initiatives and welcome individuals, organizations, and businesses to get involved and contribute to their mission of creating a more equitable and sustainable future for Bali’s communities. Website: https://ykip.org/

Bali Children’s Project in Ubud

The Bali Children’s Project is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of children in Bali, Indonesia. The organization was founded in 1999 by an American couple, who were inspired to make a positive impact in Bali’s communities after witnessing the poverty and lack of access to education and healthcare that many children faced.

In addition to their education and healthcare programs, the Bali Children’s Project also works to improve child welfare in Bali by advocating for children’s rights and providing support for child protection services. They also promote sustainable livelihoods for local communities in Bali by providing vocational training and support for small business development. Website: https://balichildrensproject.org/

Bali Street Mums

Bali Street Mums is a non-profit organization that helps women and children living in poverty in Bali. They provide education, healthcare, and empowerment programs to help them become self-sufficient.
Address: Jl. Batu Belig No. 1, Seminyak, Kuta, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361.

If you are interested in volunteering or supporting their cause, you can visit their website for more information on how to get involved. Website: https://www.balistreetmums.org/

3. Teaching English

Bali’s tourism industry has created a demand for English-speaking skills, making English language skills essential for locals seeking employment opportunities. Volunteering with organizations like Bali Children’s Project or Bali Kids can provide opportunities to teach English to children in Bali. Volunteers can also assist in other areas like teaching computer skills, music, or art.

Volunteer Programs (VP Bali) in Ubud

VP Bali has several volunteer programs that focus on education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development. Volunteers can work with local schools and educational institutions, healthcare clinics, environmental conservation initiatives, and community development projects.

VP Bali is committed to promoting sustainable development in Bali and empowering local communities through volunteerism. They rely on donations and volunteer support to carry out their initiatives and welcome individuals, groups, and organizations to get involved and contribute to their mission of creating a positive impact in Bali’s communities. Website: https://volunteerprogramsbali.org/

4. Healthcare Volunteering

Healthcare is a crucial area where Bali faces significant challenges. Volunteering with organizations like Bali Medical Volunteer or The Bumi Sehat Foundation can provide opportunities to assist with medical check-ups, health education, or medical treatments. Volunteers can also assist with administrative tasks or fundraising efforts.

Yayasan Solemen Indonesia

Yayasan Solemen Indonesia is a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged individuals with medical and social needs. They provide support to people living with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and other vulnerable groups in Bali.
Address: Jl. Umalas II No. 83, Kerobokan Kelod, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361

Website: https://www.solemen.org/

Yayasan Senyum Bali (Smile Foundation of Bali) in Denpasar

Yayasan Senyum Bali was founded in 1999 and has since become a leading organization in Bali’s disability community. The organization provides a range of services, including medical and dental care, rehabilitation programs, and educational and vocational training.

One of Yayasan Senyum Bali’s most well-known initiatives is their cleft lip and palate program, which provides free surgery and ongoing support for children and adults with cleft conditions in Bali. The program has helped thousands of individuals to receive life-changing surgeries and improve their quality of life.

Yayasan Senyum Bali relies on donations and volunteer support to carry out their initiatives and make a positive impact in Bali’s disability community. The organization welcomes individuals, organizations, and businesses to get involved and contribute to their mission of creating a better future for people with disabilities in Bali. Website: https://www.senyumbali.org/

Yayasan Bumi Sehat (Healthy Earth Foundation)

One of Yayasan Bumi Sehat’s most well-known initiatives is their birthing center, which provides safe and natural childbirth services to women in Bali. The center has helped thousands of women to deliver healthy babies and avoid unnecessary medical interventions.

Yayasan Bumi Sehat is a non-profit organization based in Bali, Indonesia, that provides healthcare services and education to women and children in need. The organization was founded in 1995 by American midwife Robin Lim, who was inspired to make a positive impact in Bali’s communities after witnessing the high maternal and infant mortality rates; and lack of access to healthcare for low-income families. Website: https://www.senyumbali.org/

5. Animal Welfare

Bali has a significant stray dog population, and many animal welfare organizations work to rescue, rehabilitate and provide care for them. Volunteering with organizations like Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA) or BARC Bali can provide opportunities to help with animal feeding, sterilization, or adoption events.

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA)

A non-profit organization that rescues and rehabilitates animals, and provides free sterilization and vaccination services to the local community. Website: https://bawabali.com/

BARC (Bali Dog Adoption and Rehabilitation Centre)

A non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and rehomes dogs in Bali, and provides education and outreach programs on animal welfare. Website: https://barc4balidogs.org/

Bali Dog, Kintamani Breed | Very caring and loyal to their owner and family

Benefits of volunteering in Bali

Volunteering in Bali while on holiday can be a meaningful way to give back to the community, immerse yourself in local culture, and make a positive impact.

Cultural immersion

Volunteering in Bali provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and gain new perspectives.


Volunteering in Bali can help build new skills and enhance existing ones.

Personal development

Volunteering in Bali can help build confidence, improve communication skills, and develop teamwork skills.

Making a difference

Volunteering in Bali can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose by making a difference in the lives of others.

Examples of successful volunteering programs in Bali

The Bali Children’s Project

The Bali Children’s Project has been providing educational support since 1991. The organization provides opportunities for volunteers to teach English and other skills to underprivileged children in Bali.

Trash Hero Bali

Trash Hero Bali is a volunteer-led organization that works to reduce plastic pollution in Bali. The organization has been successful in organizing beach clean-ups and recycling programs across the island.

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA)

BAWA is a non-profit organization that works to rescue and provide care for animals in Bali. The organization provides opportunities for volunteers to assist with animal feeding, sterilization, or adoption events.

Is it legal for foreigners to volunteer in Bali?

Yes, it is legal for foreigners to volunteer in Bali as long as they have the appropriate visa. Foreigners must obtain a Social/Cultural Visa or a Temporary Stay Permit (KITAS) with a sponsorship from a local organization to legally volunteer in Bali.

It is important to note that volunteering on a tourist visa is not permitted, and violators may face legal consequences such as fines or deportation.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you have the correct visa and comply with all relevant regulations when volunteering in Bali. Read also: Entry Requirements to Bali and Navigating Stay Visas in Indonesia

Making a Difference in Bali Without Volunteering: Ideas and Tips

Volunteering is not the only way to make a positive impact in Bali. In fact, there are many other ways to contribute to the local community and environment that do not involve formal volunteering programs. Here are some ideas on how to make a difference in Bali without volunteering.

Support Local Businesses

By buying from local businesses, you are helping to support the local economy and provide sustainable livelihoods for the community.

Support Local Arts and Crafts

Bali has a rich artistic heritage. For exmple you can support local artisans by purchasing handicrafts, attending local art events, or even taking classes to learn traditional Balinese arts such as batik or woodcarving.

Support Sustainable Agriculture

Bali has a rich agricultural heritage, and you can support sustainable agriculture practices by purchasing locally-grown produce, visiting local farms, or participating in farm-to-table tours.

Learn Bahasa Indonesia

Learning the local language can help you connect with locals on a deeper level and show that you respect their culture. You can take classes or practice with locals to improve your language skills. Read also: Learn Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia) | The vocabulary to know for a trip to Indonesia

Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Bali is facing serious environmental issues, such as plastic pollution and deforestation. You can help by reducing your own environmental impact through actions such as using a refillable water bottle, saying no to plastic bags, and supporting businesses with eco-friendly practices.

Respect the Local Culture

Balinese culture is rich and unique, and visitors should respect and appreciate it. Learn about local customs and traditions, dress appropriately when visiting temples, and be mindful of your behavior. Read also: Bali Heritage, Culture and Traditions

Donate to Local Charities

There are many local charities and organizations that work towards social and environmental causes in Bali. You can make a difference by donating to these organizations or participating in their fundraising activities.

Volunteer Your Skills

If you have specific skills or expertise, you can offer your services to local organizations or businesses. For example, if you are a graphic designer, you could help a local business with their branding or marketing.

Volunteer at Local Animal Shelters

If you love animals, you can volunteer your time at local animal shelters or sanctuaries. You can help with tasks such as feeding, cleaning, and providing care for animals in need. Read also: Bali Dog, Kintamani Breed | Very caring and loyal to their owner and family

By using your skills, resources, and interests, you can make a positive impact in Bali without formally volunteering. Remember that making a difference is not about how much you do, but about the quality and intention of your actions.

Art & Culture - Bali Traditional Fashion
One of Bali traditional fashion styles. Puri Lumbung Cottages, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Volunteering in Bali provides a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others while gaining new experiences and skills. There are several volunteering opportunities in Bali that cater to various interests, including environmental conservation, education, healthcare, and animal welfare. By volunteering in Bali, you can contribute to the local community, build new relationships, and create a lasting impact.

There are many ways to make a positive impact in Bali, and volunteering is just one of them. By supporting local businesses, reducing your environmental impact, respecting local culture, donating to local charities, and volunteering your skills, you can contribute to the well-being of the community and environment in Bali.

Photo credit: keulefm via Pixabay

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