Important and Practical Tips at (DPS) Bali Airport
Your trip to Bali will soon begin! You have been preparing for this trip for several weeks, looking for the best spots for sunrise, the ideal place to observe the animals, the forest to explore, the temples to visit… You can access the island of Bali and its airport located in Denpasar from the airports of Jakarta, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Australia and all major European cities. Here are our practical tips at DPS (Bali Airport) for your arrival and departure.
Location on Google map
There is only 1 airport in Bali. Bali’s airport is small, it has 2 terminals, one for domestic flights and the other for international flights. Bali airport is located in the south of Bali and called I Gusti Nurah Rai (local hero), or you can just simply call it Bali Airport.
Airlines and destinations
Bali’s Denpasar Airport is a hub of Garuda Indonesia. Several Indonesian airlines fly from Denpasar, as well as several major airlines from Asia and Australia: Jetstar, Qantas, Virgin Australia, Garuda Indonesia, Scoot, Air Asia, Batik & Malindo Air (Lion Air).
There is no direct flight from Europe to Bali and you will necessarily need to do a stopover with a change of plane.
From Europe only KLM fly from Amsterdam via Singapore and Turkish Airlines from Istanbul to Bali.
With a stopover, Bali can also be reached with the following airlines: Emirates Airlines flies from Dubai, Singapore Airlines from Singapore, Cathay Pacific from Hong Kong, Qatar Airways from Doha and Thai from Bangkok. You can fly to Denpasar via Taipei with China Airlines. At the moment, American or African companies do not fly to Bali.
Read also: International Direct Flights to Bali
Bali Airport (DPS) I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Arrival Procedures at Bali Airport
Once you landed at the Bali airport international terminal, this is how you get through the airport:
During Covid time, please install PeduliLindungi app (an application developed to help government agencies carry out digital tracking to stop the spread of the Corona virus) on Google Play or Apple Store before you arrive to Bali.
1. Immigration (passport control)
There are 2 sections, 1 for Visa-on-Arrival (VoA) and the other for those who got their visa in advance (“Non Visa on Arrival”).
There are at least 169 nations eligible to enter Indonesia visa-free. Read below for the VOA and free entry.
The waiting time can be quite long during peak season. Please read below for the fast track service (in case you need it).
Immigration arrival hall at DPS airport (International Bali Airport)., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
2. Collecting your luggages
Follow the “Arrival” instructions to the baggage claim. Check the screen information on the conveyer belt according your flight.
Get a trolley bag if you need one. If the luggage lost, you may contact the airline staff at the Lost and Found counter.
There are porters to help carry your luggages (they will get your luggage, escort you to your car, taxi or pick up service and help you load into the car).
Then you will go the the Customs (Douane)….
But before, you must to fill out the Indonesian custom declaration form. Arriving passenger and crew must fill in the Customs Declaration Form and submit it to the Customs and Excise officer at the Customs Inspection Gate. THIS FORM IS NO LONGER USED!!!! Bali Airport is going paperless!
Please go to: Bali Online Customs Form to Complete | A Complete Guide to Filling it out the ECD
Indonesian custom declaration form (BC 2.2) in English., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons. This is no longer available.
To fill out the E Customs form
If you’re traveling to Bali and need to fill out the Bali Customs Declaration Form, here is a step-by-step guide that will help you through the process, from providing personal information and flight details to declaring any goods or foreign currency you may be carrying, and submitting the form to the customs officer upon your arrival at the Bali airport.
Bali Online Customs Form to Complete | A Complete Guide How to Fill Out the ECD
3. Indonesian customs (Douane)?
Going through customs is never much fun. This passage can even be rather long. So, to make it more enjoyable, we advise you to prepare in advance.
After you get your bags from the conveyer belt, you must put all your luggage and hand luggage through a scanner. If the officers don’t pick you for a luggage check; you may exit the airport building.
Go through customs towards the exit sign and give them the electronic tax card (Customs Declaration). You will only need 1 for PER family. Or you can do it online through: NGURAH RAI CUSTOMS
If Custom officers don’t pick you for a luggage check, you can exit the airport building
Make sure you declare if you bring more then IDR 100,000,000 (around € 6500 or US$ 6600) and of course…
Make sure:
- You need to make sure that you are not importing prohibited products into Bali.
- You cannot enter with more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 100 grams of sliced tobacco. Regarding alcohol, if you carry more than 1 liter of alcoholic beverage, they will be confiscated.
- For airline crews: 40 cigarettes, 10 cigars, or 40 grams of sliced tobacco or other tobacco products, and/or 350 milliliter of alcoholic beverages
- You must also declare the import of your cameras, video cameras, binoculars and sports equipment at the time of inspection. This is the only condition to allow their entry into the territory.
- You MUST notify the Customs Officer if you are bringing:
- Currency and/or bearer negotiable instrument (cheque, traveller cheque, promissory notes, or bilyet giro) in Indonesian Rupiah or other currencies which equal to the amount IDR 100 million (around € 6500 or US$ 6600) or more. If you fail to declare it, administration penalty is applicable (administration penalty is charged 10% from the amount of cash, in accordance to the regulation of Indonesia Ministry of Finance Number 100 in 2018).
- Foreign banknotes which equal to the amount of IDR 100 million or more.
- Tell them the reason why you need to bring this money (holiday, paying hotels, restaurants?)… Or else, you can bring your credit card or one of the cheapest is by using Wise card.
- Personal goods:
- Every personal passenger goods, per person on every arrival, is granted import duties, excise, and taxes exemption of USD 500 on their personal goods (personal effect) that were purchased or obtained abroad and will remain in Indonesia.
- Every personal crew goods, per person on every arrival, is granted import duties, excise, and taxes exemption of USD 50 on their personal goods (personal effect) that were purchased or obtained abroad and will remain in Indonesia.
- For those who import goods for other purposes than personal use (e.g. the total amount of the goods are unusual for personal use or the goods are used for commercial purposes such as companies/store/institution/industry), are subject to import duties, excise, and taxes.
- Obviously, you cannot be armed with a firearm.
- No narcotic drugs. You may end up enjoying an “all-inclusive” holiday in Bali’s Kerobokan prison for a very long time, or even face the death penalty.
- In general, the importation of drugs is prohibited. So be sure to take your doctor’s prescriptions with you and mark your medication as being for ‘personal use’ on any customs forms. Likewise, no Chinese medicine can enter the country. Read also: Travelers Diarrhea and MEDICINES IN BALI | Preparing for your trip to Bali
- Pornographic articles, transmitters and receivers are not allowed in Bali. If you enter with DVDs, these will be filtered by censorship. Better bring your NetFlix or Amazon codes 🙂
- If you wish to stay in Indonesia for more than 90, register your mobilephone’s IMEI in the Cutoms (read for more info > Things to do when arriving at the DPS airport > Use your cell phone in Bali)
4. Arrival hall
Each terminal has it’s own arrival hall, located in the public area after customs & baggage reclaims.
Airport visitors can verify the terminal and designated exit on the airport monitors.
Meeting points are located in each terminal after the baggage reclaim area.
5. Leaving the airport
Visit their transport section for details on trains, buses or taxis from Bali airport to Kuta, Seminyak, Canggu and beyond. Read also: Things To Do When Arriving at Bali Airport (DPS) | Tips for Every Traveler As Soon As We Land
Read also: Health and Safety in Indonesia
The Ngurah Rai Internasional Airport Welcome Sign. Softwarestatistik, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Visa On Arrival (VOA) or Visit Visa on Arrival is granted to Foreign Citizens who intend to visit Indonesia in the context of tourism, socio-cultural visits, business visits, or government assignments.
Visa On Arrival is given by immigration officials to foreign nationals who meet the requirements, upon arrival in Indonesian territory through certain immigration checkpoints.
I Gusti Ngurah Rai (DPS) Airport has 20 Visa on Arrival counters at the international arrivals terminal.
The requirements for applying for a Visa On Arrival are as follows:
1. Travel letter or national passport with a minimum validity period of 6 (six) months.
2. Not listed on the deterrence (obstacle) list.
3. Pay fees in accordance with applicable regulations US$35 or IDR 500 000 (you can pay by cash or credit card).
Official website of Directorate General of Immigration (Ditjen Imigrasi Republik Indonesia):
Visa On Arrival is granted for a period of 30 (thirty) days with the following conditions:
1. | The immigration permit can be extended for a maximum of 30 (thirty) days |
2. | Cannot be changed to another Immigration Permit |
Visa On Arrival is given by affixing a visa stamp or sticker on a valid and valid Travel Letter or Nationality Passport.
List of Airports with Visa On Arrival Facilities:
1. | Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh | 11. | Ahmad Yani, Semarang |
2. | Kuala Namu, Medan | 12. | Adi Sumarmo, Surakarta |
3. | Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Pekanbaru | 13. | Juanda, Surabaya (SUB) |
4. | Hang Nadim, Batam | 14. | Supadio, Pontianak |
5. | Minangkabau, Padang | 15. | Sepinggan, Balikpapan |
6. | Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, Palembang | 16. | Sam Ratulangi, Manado |
7. | Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta | 17. | Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar |
8. | Halim Perdana Kusuma, Jakarta | 18. | Ngurah Rai, Bali (DPS) |
9. | Husein Sastranegara, Bandung | 19. | Selaparang, Mataram |
10. | Adi Sutcipto, Yogyakarta | 20. | El Tari, Kupang |
Based on Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2016, the following is a list of 169 Citizens of FREE VISA ENTRY:
Albania | Guatemala | Philippines |
Algeria | Guyana | Poland |
Andorra | Haiti | Portugal |
Angola | Honduras | Puerto Rico |
Antigua and Barbuda | Hong Kong SAR | Qatar |
Argentina | Hungary | Romania |
Armenia | Iceland | Russia |
Australia | India | Rwanda |
Austria | Ireland | Samoa |
Azerbaijan | Italy | San Marino |
Bahamas | Jamaica | Sao Tome and Principe |
Bahrain | Japan | Saudi Arabia |
Bangladesh | Jordan | Senegal |
Barbados | Kazakhstan | Serbia |
Belarus | Kenya | Seychelles |
Belgium | Kiribati | Singapore |
Belize | Kuwait | Slovakia |
Benin | Kyrgyzstan | Slovenia |
Bhutan | Laos | Solomon Island |
Bolivia | Latvia | South Africa |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Lebanon | South Korea |
Botswana | Lesotho | Spain |
Brazil | Liechtenstein | Sri Lanka |
Brunei | Lithuania | St Kitts and Nevis |
Bulgaria | Luxembourg | St Lucia |
Burkina Faso | Macau SAR | St Vincent and Grenadines |
Burundi | Macedonia | Suriname |
Cambodia | Madagascar | Swaziland |
Canada | Malawi | Sweden |
Cape Verde | Malaysia | Switzerland |
Chad | Maldives | Taiwan |
Chile | Mali | Tajikistan |
China | Malta | Tanzania |
Commonwealth of Dominica | Marshall Islands | Thailand |
Comoros | Mauritania | Timor-Leste |
Costa Rica | Mauritius | Togo |
Cote D’Ivoire | Mexico | Tonga |
Croatia | Moldova | Trinidad & Tobago |
Cuba | Monaco | Tunisia |
Cyprus | Mongolia | Turkey |
Czech Republic | Morocco | Turkmenistan |
Denmark | Mozambique | Tuvalu |
Dominican Republic | Myanmar | Uganda |
Ecuador | Namibia | Ukraine |
Egypt | Nauru | United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
El Salvador | Nepal | United Kingdom (UK) |
Estonia | Netherlands | Uruguay |
Fiji | New Zealand | USA |
Finland | Nicaragua | Uzbekistan |
France | Norway | Vanuatu |
Gabon | Oman | Vatican City |
Gambia | Palau | Venezuela |
Georgia | Palestine | Vietnam |
Germany | Panama | Zambia |
Ghana | Papua New Guinea | Zimbabwe |
Greece | Paraguay | |
Grenada | Peru |
Please kindly note that rules and regulations may be changed without prior notice. Please contact your Indonesian Embassy near your place before departure and double check about the free visa entry to Indonesia.
Entry Requirements to Bali and Navigating Stay Visas in Indonesia
Bali Airport Departures – Practical Tips
The following are the stages that passengers must go through:
1. Security Check
To enter the departure terminal, all passengers must go through the Security Check gate. Things to consider at this stage include:
Prepare your travel documents as follows:
- Tickets according to the date of departure
- Passport or ID card for doestic flights.
- All luggage must be checked through an x-ray machine.
- For a smooth inspection process, all metal objects such as cell phones, keys, etc. should be put in a bag.
- All passengers must go through the Walk Through Metal Detector (WTMD).
- If necessary, passengers and luggage can be checked manually by the Airport Security Officer.
- Report to the Airport Security Officer if you:
- Using a pacemaker
- Bringing a firearm
- You are not allowed to bring along sharp objects and dangerous goods, such as knives, folding knives, nail cutting tools, cutters, matches, gas lighters, and so on.
2. Check-in
Prepare your travel documents, as follows:
- Tickets according to the date of departure.
- Passport.
- Queue at the check-in counter that corresponds to your airline. The reporting desk opens 2 hours before departure time.
- For flight safety, please report your baggage that weighs more than 7 Kg, and you are only allowed to bring 1 piece of baggage that weighs less than 7 Kg into the aircraft cabin (depending on the cabin class).
- Scanning / Tapping Boarding Pass.
- Hand over your boarding pass to the tapping officer.
3. Security Check 2
Passengers are required to remove their belts, watches, hats, jackets, keys, coins and empty the contents of their pants/shirt pockets.
4. Departure Hall
After checking-in your departure at the check-in desk, you can wait for the departure time in the Departure Room according to the location listed on the Boarding Pass.
5. Waiting…
The hardest part now is to wait at the airport. In general, this moment is the least interesting of your trip! Yet, with a few very simple tips, you can keep busy during all those hours of waiting.
Take a tour of the press side. The kiosks offer newspapers from all over the world. You will discover unsuspected alphabets there. Why not buy one to have fun translating? You can also take an Indonesian magazine to keep up to date with national news. Likewise, if you forgot to take some books for your vacation, jump at the chance and buy some from the airport bookstore!
After that, it’s time to go to one of the restaurants or cafes. In general, the bigger the airport, the more choice you have. It’s the perfect opportunity to grab a bite before your flight, buy a bottle of water or drool over pastries.
While eating, start contemplating the different planes. They all have a different shape, with a more or less appreciable aestheticism. It’s up to you to classify the most beautiful and imagine to which destinations they fly! You may find inspiration there for a future trip…!
Boarding your flight will begin soon! You can stop shopping around the airport and head straight yo yoour next destination. In the meantime, there is nothing better than to observe the landscape through the porthole. Also take the opportunity to rest. The jet lag will be less hard to bear if you take a nap during the journey!
Important tips:
Excess baggage: take your time, before your departure, to weigh your luggage carefully. You might be surprised when you arrive at the airport when your luggage, exceeding the authorized weight, it will be costly and the cost depending on the destination of your holiday
Departure Bali airport maps
International flights

Domestic flights

Services at DPS Airport to make your journey easier
1. Premium Airport Special Services (PASS) both on departure and arrival
Premium Airport Special Services give the best services for all passenger from Check in Assistance, Baggage Handling & Wrapping, Escort Service For Custom & Imigration Clearance (fast track), and Executive Lounge Service. Passenger may choose one of this services at DPS airport:
- Domestic PASS
- International PASS
- Connecting PASS
Operational Hour: 07.00 – 23.00 (local time)
- PASS International IDR 300 000 for Indonesian and IDR 500 000 for foreigner.
- PASS Domestic IDR 200 000.
Contact Number: +62 361 8496997 or +62 878 6062 8178
Website: (in Indonesian)
2. Lounges Ngurah Rai-Bali Airport (DPS)
Indonesia counts among its international airports, that of Bali, one of the most important. Ngurah Rai Airport has private lounges, where departing passengers of international or local flights are invited to wait for their flights in a pleasant setting.
To ensure comfortable while waiting for your boarding, all lounges are equipped with air conditioning, an information monitor, and are accessible to disabled people. They provide their occupants with alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, snacks to eat, but also newspapers, magazines, television, telephones, wifi and showers (certain lounges).
All lounges are non-smoking and proper attire is required.
Garuda Indonesia Lounge
DPS airport’s international terminal can be found airside, one floor above the main departures level. Available for, First Class, Business Class, Garuda Miles Platinum, SkyTeam Elite Plus (for gold and platinum cards if you have Air France KLM, SkyTeam Mileage Card).
You can acces via stairs and elevator located along the wall of the central part of the terminal, and it’s located next to the other two lounges in the terminal – T/G Lounge and Premier Lounge.
Premier Lounge
The Premier Lounge, located on the 3rd floor, welcomes international travelers with a Priority Pass, Dragonpass or Diners Club International card free of charge at any time of the day. Also complimentary are First Class passengers of Cathay Pacific, Dragonair or oneworld, Diamond and Emerald members of oneworld on flights on Cathay Pacific, Dragonair or oneworld airlines.
The stay is limited to 2 hours. Visitors are allowed if space is available. Free for children under 2 years old, the price is 24 euros per person online and IDR 250,000 (about € 18) on site. There is also a supplement to consume more than two drinks per person, for international calls and faxes and to benefit from a massage session. This service is only available in the afternoon. A conference room can also be reserved there.
Dewa Lounge
The Dewa Lounge is located on the 2nd floor of the International Terminal, near Gates 7 and 8. It is open from 5:00 am until the last flights. The entrance fee is IDR 100,000 (around €7). Access is possible for all travelers from the airport.
Prada Priority Lounge
The Prada Priority Lounge, located near Gate 7, at the International Terminal is open from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. The entrance fee is IDR 150,000 (around €10). Access is possible for all passengers, except those on flights to Europe. In this lounge, wifi is chargeable and a private prayer room is available.
T/G Lounges
The airport has two T/G Lounges. The first, located in the international departures area on the mezzanine level, is open 24/7. It offers Macs, a cinema room, a pool table and cable television. Visitors also have the opportunity to enjoy a reflexology session in the private massage room. Customers can choose to help themselves to the buffet or enjoy the chef’s dishes that he prepares in public. A wide selection of drinks is offered at the bar.
The second is in the Domestic Terminal near Gate 2. It is open between 5am and 10pm. In addition to the various dishes and drinks served at the buffet, pastries are available. Each armchair in the saline is equipped with a terminal that allows you to recharge your electronic devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.). There are also meeting rooms and VIP areas. Access to the lounges is free with a Dragonpass and children under 5 years old. The stay is limited to 3 hours.
Concordia Lounge (domestic DPS departure)
Passengers who want to travel through domestic Terminal Bali, will be spoiled with different views from other airport lounge. Our specialty are spacious lounge, iconic design, comfortable and well flavored food. Each sofa in T/G Lounge Bali also equipped with recharging terminal. The total area of T/G Lounge Bali Domestic is 620m² (6673 ft²). For the first step, we built within the land area of 420m² (4520 ft²) with around 110 seats. T/G Lounge is open every day from 5am – 10pm.
Operational Hour: 05:00AM – 10:00PM
Contact: +62 361 8496981
How do I access the airport lounges?
There are several ways to access these rooms:
- If you have a business class or first class ticket, you have access to your company’s VIP lounge (but your company must still have a lounge in the airport from which you are departing, some of them share with one of the lounges available in the airport).
- If you have a Mastercard World Elite card, you can access 1000 airport lounges in 120 different countries (be careful, the N26 card is not concerned unless you are UK residents).
- Dragon Pass International is a program providing access to lounges at partner airports around the world. Here’s how it works and how you can enter to take advantage of it, using your credit card.
- If you have a Revolut card (Premium or Metal only) you can access the 1000 lounges of the Collinson Group. You have free access per year and can buy additional access for GBP 25 (about € 30)
- The card (from a certain status) offers Key Lounge access allowing free access to many lounges.
- You can buy access directly on site at the lounge counter. The prices vary but it takes on average about forty euros. Objectively we find it expensive but why not if you have a very long stopover and want to be able to rest.
- Purchase to via LoungeBuddy, to get your airport experience by giving any traveler the ability to discover, book and access premium airport lounges around the world. Previously, access to the lounges was reserved for privileged frequent flyers and certain credit cards only.
- By having a Priority Pass card which we will tell you about in more detail just below…
Read also: International Direct Flights to Bali
The Priority Pass card
Priority Pass is a subscription that allows access to 1,300 lounges in 600 cities in 148 countries. You will find at least one in all international airports.
Priority Pass offers 3 different formulas:
- The Standard offer at €89 per year allowing you to access the exhibitions at the price of €28 / visit
- The Standard Plus offer at €259 per year offering you 10 visits. Additional visits will be charged at €28.
- The Prestige offer at € 399 / year giving you unlimited access to all lounges.
The Priority Pass subscription is really ideal because it is the way to access as many lounges as possible. You are pretty sure to find one near your boarding gate.
With the Prestige offer, you can even afford to test all the lounges on your terminal until you find the one you prefer.
Note that in addition to the Priority Pass, you must be in possession of a boarding pass for the same day to be admitted to the lounge.
Honestly, we find that unless you travel a lot, the prices remain very high (but this is probably what makes it possible to limit the attendance of the lounges and that they remain “VIP”).
If we take advantage of it, it is because the American Express Platinum card allows you to benefit from a free Priority Pass Prestige subscription.
For information, Priority Pass does not operate the lounges themselves. They negotiate its access for their members to use lounges around the world, so amenities do vary across airports.Please
LoungeKey pass
LoungeKey is owned by the same company as Priority Pass and offers virtually the same service.
Unlike Priority Pass, LoungeKey is not obtained through a subscription but comes in advantage of certain bank cards.
Please note that rules & regulations, opening hours mentioned above; may be changed without prior notice.
Sources: The New York Times, Garuda Indonesia, SkyTeam, Bali Airport, Ngurah Rai Customs
Photo credit: JoshuaWoroniecki via Pixabay
Ready to book your villa in the heart of lively Seminyak, Bali?